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[Pkg-ime-devel] Package name for skim modules?

Hello fellow SCIM-related package maintainers,

Now that skim is in unstable, we can start considering to build skim
modules for different IM engines.  However different IM engine authors
seem to release their skim modules in different ways:

The IM engines from James Su, scim-pinyin and scim-tables for example,
put the skim module directly inside the tarball (and now I just disable
the skim module when building the package).  The Japanese IM engines
from sourceforge.jp, however, release a separate tarball using names
like skim-scim-anthy.

My opinion is that we really should try to keep the _binary_ package
name in Debian consistent, so that users can easily guess the name when
they see one skim module package.  I personally don't like the name
skim-scim-<module>, I feel skim-<module> would be more intuitive.
However I don't really have a strong feeling on this - as long as the
names are consistent, I am fine.

I know almost nothing about KDE and skim, so I would really appreciate
others' opnions here, especially from William and Ikuya.  I would also
like to know which IM engines has skim module support now.



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