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[Pkg-ime-devel] SVN repository for SCIM packages migrated to Alioth

On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 10:07:44PM -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
> Hi Osamu and everyone,
> I've now finished migrating all SCIM packages (scim, scim-chinese,
> scim-hangul, scim-m17n, scim-tables, scim-uim) from my private
> repository to the Alioth SVN repository.  The version get imported in
> Alioth is revision 64, the latest on my repository.
> I am pretty sure I got everything correct.  But if anyone noticed
> anything missing, especially in the packages that I am not a maintainer,
> please let me know.
> The structure of the repository is slightly changed, now each package
> has it's own sub-directory.  So, to use the new repository, use
>     svn+ssh://<username>@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ime/<package>/trunk
> instead of
>     svn://<package>
> in your svn command line.
> Sorry I can't provide smoother transition, people with already
> checked-out work directory will have to make patch -> re-checkout from
> new repository -> apply patch.
> If no one objects, I'll set my private repository as read-only soon (in
> one or two days), and it probably will get disconnected from Internet
> eventually.

OK.  Good.

By the way there seem to be many scim-immodules packaged.  Omote-san
seems to be working on Japanese one.

I have been asked to sponsor smart Taiwan-style input method.  I want to
invite them to here so there will be single group talking related

Soon to come m17n-lib update seems tom be very important one too.

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