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[Pkg-ime-devel] Re: SVN/CVS repository

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 10:29:27PM +0200, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Hi,
> If Ming has trouble contacting us, we may need to use alternative
> archive so we all have write access. (Not just me.)

Hmm, sorry for the MIA.  It seems Osamu had some problem creating the
repository on svn.debian.org.  So if anybody prefer SVN write access in
very near future, I can grant him/her access to my SVN repo (the one at

But in the long term, the repo should be on some public machine, and
svn.debian.org is a nice choice for me.

> If Ming starts CVS or SVN in pkg-scim, we will be happy to move there.
> So please add us and tell us so.

I receive the confirmation about the project pkg-scim on Alioth, but
hasn't check it yet.  I'll check as soon as possible and report back.

> Osamu


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