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Short network outage of machines hosted in Darmstadt (man-da)


we will have a (hopefully) short outage of our network connection at man-da in
the next hour to replace a faulty fiber nic, and will upgrade the firewall to
lenny afterwards.

Affected machines:

* agricola.debian.org (armel porterbox)
* arcadelt.debian.org (armel buildd)
* bartok.debian.org (backup.d.o)
* byrd.debian.org (bugs.d.o MX frontend)
* draghi.debian.org (db.d.o)
* geo1.debian.org (GeoIP DNS Server)
* handel.debian.org (puppet master)
* kaufmann.debian.org (keyring.d.o)
* liszt.debian.org (lists.d.o)
* morales.debian.org (mipsel porterbox; down anyway)
* sperger.debian.org (sparc porterbox)
* unger.debian.org (kvm master)


 Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>  | Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer           |           Debian Listmaster
 Public key http://zobel.ftbfs.de/5d64f870.asc   -   KeyID: 5D64 F870
 GPG Fingerprint:  5DB3 1301 375A A50F 07E7  302F 493E FB8E 5D64 F870

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