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testing qcl

Could someone with access to a ia64 box possibly test the ia64 binary of
my qcl package? The binary is qcl-0.5.0-3_ia64.deb and the test is to

qcl test.qcl

which should result in something beginning:

QCL Quantum Computation Language (32 qubits, seed 1026041254)
: chosen random x = 11 
: measured zero in 1st register. trying again ... 
: chosen random x = 11 
: measured 128 , approximation for 0.500000 is 1 / 2 
: possible period is 2 
: 11 ^ 1 + 1 mod 15 = 12 , 11 ^ 1 - 1 mod 15 = 10 
: 15 = 5 * 3 

Sometimes the test aborts after the first few lines (well, on i386 and a
few others I've tried) but usually running it again works.

If someone can do this, can they mail me the output or post it on the


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