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Status of completion, in wheezy, for 7 languages targeting 100% (po-debconf translations)

Please find below the status, as of today, of completion of po-debconf
translation for the 7 languages targeting 100%. For each missing bit,
there's a comment of mine. This should help me (and eventually others)
to target actions to have in the upcoming weeks to reach this 100%.

Of course, this is a moving target as packages that introduced/changed
debconf templates will enter testing from time to time and change
these statistics. I'll try to keep this up-to-date.

|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | #673138
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #663061
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #662861
|TOTAL (fr)        |99%  |  8905/0/68    |

|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | #671510
|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | mail l10n-russian 28/6
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #661982
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|lxc               |90%  |    9/1/0      | #671053
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #661718
|TOTAL (ru)        |99%  |  8903/2/68    |

|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | mail debian-l10n-german 28/6
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #662872
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|linux-container   |83%  |    31/6/0     | #674688
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 26/
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #662871
|TOTAL (de)        |99%  |  8933/7/33    |

|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | mail traduz on 28/5
|eglibc            |90%  |    20/0/2     | mail traduz on 25/5
|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | mail traduz on 28/5
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #664274
|golang            |25%  |    1/3/0      | mail traduz on 28/5
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|linux-container   |81%  |    30/7/0     | mail traduz on 28/5
|lxc               |50%  |    5/4/1      | mail traduz on 28/5
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|ntfs-3g           |60%  |    3/0/2      | #674075
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|slapos.core       |83%  |    10/0/2     | #674741
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #663888
|TOTAL (pt)        |98%  |  8883/15/75   |

|biomaj-watcher    |     |    0/3/7      | #673887
|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | #673877
|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | #673886
|fts               |     |    0/2/0      | Wait for transition: 1/6
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #661965
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|linux-container   |81%  |    30/7/0     | #673874
|lxc               |70%  |    7/2/1      | #673889
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|s390-netdevice    |96%  |    32/0/1     | Wait upload D-I
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #661967
|xsp               |46%  |    7/5/3      | Wait for transition: 4/6
|TOTAL (sv)        |98%  |  8873/20/80   |

|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|eglibc            |90%  |    20/0/2     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | #663609
|fts               |     |    0/2/0      | Mail l10n-czech 28/5
|gitalist          |50%  |    7/0/7      | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #664458
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|linux-2.6         |84%  |    11/1/1     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|linux-container   |     |    0/0/37     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|linux-latest      |     |    0/0/3      | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|lxc               |70%  |    7/2/1      | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|mantis            |     |    0/0/20     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | Wait for transition: 7/6
|nbd               |77%  |    35/4/6     | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|ntfs-3g           |60%  |    3/0/2      | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|prey              |87%  |    7/1/0      | Mail l10n-czech 21/5
|s390-netdevice    |96%  |    32/0/1     | Wait upload D-I
|slapos.core       |75%  |    9/0/3      | Wait for transition: 30/6
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #663609
|TOTAL (cs)        |98%  | 8811/11/151   |

|auctex            |87%  |    7/1/0      | #673627
|condor            |     |    0/0/35     | ITT on 20/5
|fontconfig        |92%  |    13/1/0     | ITT on 21/5
|fts               |     |    0/2/0      | Wait for transition: 1/6
|gitalist          |50%  |    7/0/7      | #673628
|glance            |     |    0/0/5      | #666554
|graphite-carbon   |     |    0/0/3      | #673632
|icinga            |76%  |    10/0/3     | Review in progress
|lxc               |90%  |    9/1/0      | #671022
|mumble-django     |     |    0/0/4      | RFR on 22/5
|phpldapadmin      |45%  |    10/7/5     | RFR on 21/5
|postfix           |98%  |    61/1/0     | LCFC on 9/4. Sent myself
|postfixadmin      |     |    0/0/2      | Wait for transition: 2/6
|s390-netdevice    |96%  |    32/0/1     | Wait upload D-I 
|slapos.core       |83%  |    10/0/2     | Wait for transition: 30/6
|xfonts-traditiona |     |    0/0/16     | #669375
|TOTAL (es)        |98%  |  8877/13/83   |

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