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packaging-tutorial 0.5: Please translate the package packaging-tutorial

Dear Debian I18N people,

I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating

packaging-tutorial already includes fr.po.
So do not translate it to these languages (the translators will be
contacted separately).

language        translated     fuzzy     untranslated
  fr               495                          

Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug
against packaging-tutorial.

If you have read so far, please find the POT file in attachment.

Thanks in advance,

# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-19 01:23+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:4
msgid "\\mode<presentation> \\usetheme{debian}"
msgstr ""

#. Translators:
#. change debiantutorial to debiantutorial.$lang to use translated file, and
#. append to this string all commands to load localisation packages, e.g.:
#. \\usepackage{debiantutorial.fr} \\usepackage[french]{babel} \\frenchsetup{...}
#. type: Plain text
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:10
msgid "\\usepackage{debiantutorial}"
msgstr ""

#. type: title{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:20
msgid "Debian Packaging Tutorial"
msgstr ""

#. Translators:
#. leave \\version unchanged: this will a variable containing the actual version
#. To translate the date, use \\today or a string containing \\year, \\month, \\day
#. (numeric values).
#. type: date{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:26
msgid "version \\version{} -- \\year-\\month-\\day"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "About this tutorial"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Goal: \\textbf{tell you what you really need to know about Debian packaging}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Modify existing packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Create your own packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Interact with the Debian community"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Become a Debian power-user"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Covers the most important points, but is not complete"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "You will need to read more documentation"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Most of the content also applies to Debian derivatives distributions"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "That includes Ubuntu"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:62 debiantutorial.sty:41
msgid "Outline"
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:64
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:66 packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "GNU/Linux distribution"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "1st major distro developed ``openly in the spirit of GNU''"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "\\textbf{Non-commercial}, built collaboratively by over 1,000 volunteers"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "3 main features:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Quality} -- culture of technical excellence\\\\ {\\small\\sl We "
"release when it's ready}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Freedom} -- devs and users bound by the \\textsl{Social "
"Contract}\\\\ Promoting the culture of Free Software since 1993"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Independence} -- no (single) company babysitting Debian\\\\ And "
"open decision-making process (\\textsl{do-ocracy} + \\textsl{democracy})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:90
msgid "\\textbf{Amateur} in the best sense: done for the love of it"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111 packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "Debian packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "\\textbf{.deb} files (binary packages)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "A very powerful and convenient way to distribute software to users"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "One of the two most common packages format (with RPM)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "Universal:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid ""
"30,000 binary packages in Debian\\\\ $\\rightarrow$ most of the available "
"free software is packaged in Debian!"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "For 12 ports (architectures), including 2 non-Linux (Hurd; KFreeBSD)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:111
msgid "Also used by 120 Debian derivatives distributions"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:114 packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid "The Deb package format"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid "\\texttt{.deb} file: an \\texttt{ar} archive"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ar tv wget_1.12-2.1_i386.deb\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0      4 Sep  5 15:43 2010 debian-binary\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0   2403 Sep  5 15:43 2010 control.tar.gz\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0 751613 Sep  5 15:43 2010 data.tar.gz\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#.  $
#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debian-binary}: version of the deb file format, "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid ""
"\\texttt{control.tar.gz}: metadata about the package\\\\ {\\small "
"\\texttt{\\textbf{control}, md5sums, (pre|post)(rm|inst), triggers, shlibs}, "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid "\\texttt{data.tar.gz}: data files of the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid ""
"You could create your \\texttt{.deb} files manually\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid "But most people don't do it that way"
msgstr ""

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:139
msgid "This tutorial: create Debian packages, the Debian way"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159 packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid "Tools you will need"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid "A Debian (or Ubuntu) system (with root access)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid "Some packages:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid ""
"\\textbf{build-essential}: has dependencies on the packages that will be "
"assumed to be available on the developers' machine (no need to specify them "
"in the \\texttt{Build-Depends:} control field of your package)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid ""
"includes a dependency on \\textbf{dpkg-dev}, which contains basic "
"Debian-specific tools to create packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:159
msgid "\\textbf{devscripts}: contains many useful scripts for Debian maintainers"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:167
msgid ""
"Many other tools will also be mentioned later, such as \\textbf{debhelper}, "
"\\textbf{cdbs}, \\textbf{quilt}, \\textbf{pbuilder}, \\textbf{sbuild}, "
"\\textbf{lintian}, \\textbf{svn-buildpackage}, \\textbf{git-buildpackage}, "
"\\ldots\\\\ Install them when you need them."
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:174 packaging-tutorial.tex:174
msgid "General packaging workflow"
msgstr ""

#. 	\draw[arr,->] (bin) -- (-1,-6) node[pos=0.5,left] {upload (\textttc{dput})};
#.  hack hack hack
#. type: tikzpicture
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:194
msgid ""
"\\node[node1] (www) at (0, 0) {Web}; \\node[node1] (us) at (2.5, 0) "
"{upstream source}; \\node[node1] (da) at (-2.5, 0) {Debian mirror}; "
"\\node[node1] (sp) at (0, -2) {source package}; \\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] "
"(sp) -- (2.5,-2) node[right=0cm,text width=2.98cm,text "
"centered,font=\\small\\sl] {where most of the manual work is done}; "
"\\node[node1] (bin) at (0, -4) {one or several binary packages}; "
"\\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] (bin) -- (3.5,-4) node[right,text "
"centered,font=\\small\\ttfamily\\sl] {.deb\\normalfont}; \\draw[arr,->] (us) "
"-- (sp) node[pos=0.5,right,command] {dh\\_make}; \\draw[arr,->] (da) -- (sp) "
"node[pos=0.5,left,command] {apt-get source}; \\draw[arr,->] (www) -- (sp) "
"node[pos=0.5,left,command] {dget}; \\draw[arr,->] (sp) -- (bin) "
"node[pos=0.5,right,text width=6cm] {\\textttc{debuild} (build and test with "
"\\textttc{lintian}) or \\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage}}; \\draw[arr,->] (bin) "
"-- (1,-6) node[pos=0.5,right] {install (\\textttc{debi})}; "
"\\draw[transparent] (bin) -- (-1,-6) node[pos=0.5,left,opaque] {upload "
"(\\textttc{dput})}; \\draw[arr,->,rounded corners] (bin) -- (-1,-6) -- "
"(-4.5,-6) -- (-4.5,0) -- (da); \\useasboundingbox (-4,-6) rectangle (6,0);"
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid "Rebuilding dash"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid "Example: rebuilding dash"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid ""
"Install packages needed to build dash, and devscripts\\\\ {\\texttt{apt-get "
"build-dep dash}}\\\\ {\\texttt{apt-get install -{}-no-install-recommends "
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid ""
"Create a working directory, and get in it:\\\\ \\texttt{mkdir "
"/tmp/debian-tutorial ; cd /tmp/debian-tutorial}"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid ""
"Grab the \\texttt{dash} source package\\\\ \\texttt{apt-get source dash}\\\\ "
"{\\small (This needs you to have \\texttt{deb-src} lines in your "
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:211
msgid "Build the package\\\\ {\\texttt{cd dash-*\\\\ debuild -us -uc}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:224
msgid "Check that it worked"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:224
msgid "There are some new \\texttt{.deb} files in the parent directory"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:224
msgid "Look at the \\texttt{debian/} directory"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:224
msgid "That's where the packaging work is done"
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Creating source packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Source packages basics"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Source package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid ""
"One source package can generate several binary packages\\\\ {\\small e.g the "
"\\texttt{\\bfseries libtar} source generates the \\texttt{\\bfseries "
"libtar0} and \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar-dev} binary packages}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Two kinds of packages: (if unsure, use non-native)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid ""
"Native packages: normally for Debian specific software (\\textsl{dpkg}, "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Non-native packages: software developed outside Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Main file: \\texttt{.dsc} (meta-data)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "Other files depending on the version of the source format"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "1.0 -- native: \\texttt{package\\_version.tar.gz}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "1.0 -- non-native:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262 packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_ver.orig.tar.gz} : upstream source"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.diff.gz} : patch to add Debian-specific changes"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "3.0 (quilt):"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.debian.tar.gz} : tarball with the Debian changes"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:262
msgid "(See \\texttt{dpkg-source(1)} for exact details)"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:286
msgid "Source package example (wget\\_1.12-2.1.dsc)"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:286
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Format: 3.0 (quilt)\n"
"Source: wget\n"
"Binary: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Version: 1.12-2.1\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Checksums-Sha1: \n"
" 50d4ed2441e67[..]1ee0e94248 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" d4c1c8bbe431d[..]dd7cef3611 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Checksums-Sha256: \n"
" 7578ed0974e12[..]dcba65b572 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" 1e9b0c4c00eae[..]89c402ad78 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Files: \n"
" 141461b9c04e4[..]9d1f2abf83 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" e93123c934e3c[..]2f380278c2 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz"
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "Retrieving source packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "Retrieving an existing source package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "From the Debian archive:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package=version}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package/release}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "(You need \\texttt{deb-src} lines in \\texttt{sources.list})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "From the Internet:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "\\texttt{dget \\textsl{url-to.dsc}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dget "
"http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian-archive/\\\\20090802T004153Z/debian/dists/bo/main/source/web/\\\\ "
"wget\\_1.4.4-6.dsc}\\\\ (\\href{http://snapshot.debian.org/}{\\ttfamily "
"snapshot.d.o} provides all packages from Debian since 2005)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "From the (declared) version control system:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "\\texttt{debcheckout \\textsl{package}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:314
msgid "Once downloaded, extract with \\texttt{dpkg-source -x \\textsl{file.dsc}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333 packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid "Creating a basic source package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid ""
"Download the upstream source\\\\ (\\textsl{upstream source} = the one from "
"the software's original developers)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid ""
"Rename to "
"\\texttt{<\\textsl{source\\_package}>\\_<\\textsl{upstream\\_version}>.orig.tar.gz}\\\\ "
"(example: \\texttt{simgrid\\_3.6.orig.tar.gz})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid "Untar it"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid ""
"\\texttt{cd \\textsl{upstream\\_source} \\&\\& dh\\_make} (from the "
"\\textbf{dh-make} package)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid ""
"There are some alternatives to \\texttt{dh\\_make} for specific sets of "
"packages: \\textbf{dh-make-perl}, \\textbf{dh-make-php}, \\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:333
msgid "\\texttt{debian/} directory created, with a lot of files in it"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362 packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "Files in debian/"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid ""
"All the packaging work should be made by modifying files in "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "Main files:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "\\textbf{control} -- meta-data about the package (dependencies, etc)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "\\textbf{rules} -- specifies how to build the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "\\textbf{copyright} -- copyright information for the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "\\textbf{changelog} -- history of the Debian package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "Other files:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "compat"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "watch"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "dh\\_install* targets\\\\ {\\small *.dirs, *.docs, *.manpages, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "maintainer scripts\\\\ {\\small *.postinst, *.prerm, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "source/format"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "patches/ -- if you need to modify the upstream sources"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:362
msgid "Several files use a format based on RFC 822 (mail headers)"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:374
msgid "debian/changelog"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:374
msgid "Lists the Debian packaging changes"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:374
msgid "Gives the current version of the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: tikzpicture
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:374
msgid ""
"\\draw (0,0) node[above right] {\\large}; \\draw "
"[decorate,decoration={brace}] (2,0) -- (1.45,0) node[at start,below,text "
"width=1.6cm,text centered] {\\small Debian revision}; \\draw "
"[decorate,decoration={brace}] (1.4,0) -- (0,0) node[midway,below,text "
"width=1.6cm,text centered] { \\small Upstream version};"
msgstr ""

#. %
#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:385
msgid "Edited manually or with \\texttt{dch}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:385
msgid ""
"Special format to automatically close Debian or Ubuntu bugs\\\\ Debian: "
"\\texttt{Closes:~\\#595268}; Ubuntu: \\texttt{LP:~\\#616929}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:385
msgid "Installed as \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/\\textit{package}/changelog.Debian.gz}"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:385
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"mpich2 ( unstable; urgency=low\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:391
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  * Use /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python2.5. Allow\n"
"    to drop dependency on python2.5.  Closes: #595268\n"
"  * Make /usr/bin/mpdroot setuid. This is the default after\n"
"    the installation of mpich2 from source, too. LP: #616929\n"
"    + Add corresponding lintian override.\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:393
#, no-wrap
msgid " -- Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>  Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:13:44 +0200"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid "debian/control"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid "Package metadata"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid "For the source package itself"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid "For each binary package built from this source"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid ""
"Package name, section, priority, maintainer, uploaders, build-dependencies, "
"dependencies, description, homepage, \\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
msgid ""
"Documentation: Debian Policy chapter 5\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:420
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Source: wget\n"
"Section: web\n"
"Priority: important\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:426
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}\n"
"Description: retrieves files from the web\n"
" Wget is a network utility to retrieve files from the Web"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Architecture: all or any"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Two kinds of binary packages:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Packages with different contents on each Debian architecture"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Example: C program"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ any} in \\texttt{debian/control}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid ""
"Or, if it only works on a subset of architectures:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{Architecture:\\ amd64 i386 ia64 hurd-i386}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "buildd.debian.org: builds all the other architectures for you on upload"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid ""
"Named "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Packages with the same content on all architectures"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Example: Perl library"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ all} in \\texttt{debian/control}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid "Named \\texttt{\\textsl{package}\\_\\textsl{version}\\_\\textbf{all}.deb}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:455
msgid ""
"A source package can generate a mix of \\texttt{Architecture:\\ any} and "
"\\texttt{Architecture:\\ all} binary packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "debian/rules"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "Makefile"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "Interface used to build Debian packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid ""
"Documented in Debian Policy, chapter 4.8\\\\ {\\small "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "Five required targets:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "\\texttt{build}: should perform all the configuration and compilation"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "\\texttt{binary, binary-arch, binary-indep}: build the binary packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage} will call \\texttt{binary} to build all the "
"packages, or \\texttt{binary-arch} to build only the "
"\\texttt{Architecture:~any} packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:481
msgid "\\texttt{clean}: clean up the source directory"
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Packaging helpers"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Packaging helpers -- debhelper"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "You could write shell code in \\texttt{debian/rules} directly"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "See the \\texttt{adduser} package for example"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Better practice (used by most packages): use a \\textsl{Packaging helper}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Most popular one: \\textbf{debhelper} (used by 98\\% of packages)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Goals:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Factor the common tasks in standard tools used by all packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Fix some packaging bugs once for all packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize dh\\_installdirs, dh\\_installchangelogs, dh\\_installdocs, "
"dh\\_installexamples, dh\\_install, dh\\_installdebconf, dh\\_installinit, "
"dh\\_link, dh\\_strip, dh\\_compress, dh\\_fixperms, dh\\_perl, "
"dh\\_makeshlibs, dh\\_installdeb, dh\\_shlibdeps, dh\\_gencontrol, "
"dh\\_md5sums, dh\\_builddeb, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Called from \\texttt{debian/rules}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Configurable using command parameters or files in \\texttt{debian/}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize \\ttfamily \\textsl{package}.docs, "
"\\textsl{package}.examples, \\textsl{package}.install, "
"\\textsl{package}.manpages, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid ""
"Third-party helpers for sets of packages: \\textbf{python-support}, "
"\\textbf{dh\\_ocaml}, \\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:515
msgid "Gotcha: \\texttt{debian/compat}: Debhelper compatibility version (use \"7\")"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:519
msgid "debian/rules using debhelper (1/2)"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:519
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:522
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.\n"
"#export DH_VERBOSE=1\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:526
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"build: \n"
"        $(MAKE)\n"
"        #docbook-to-man debian/packagename.sgml > packagename.1\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:533
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"clean: \n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp\n"
"        $(MAKE) clean\n"
"        dh_clean \n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:541
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"install: build\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_clean -k \n"
"        dh_installdirs\n"
"        # Add here commands to install the package into "
"        $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/packagename install"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:546
msgid "debian/rules using debhelper (2/2)"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:546
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:549
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Build architecture-independent files here.\n"
"binary-indep: build install\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:568
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Build architecture-dependent files here.\n"
"binary-arch: build install\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_installchangelogs \n"
"        dh_installdocs\n"
"        dh_installexamples\n"
"        dh_install\n"
"        dh_installman\n"
"        dh_link\n"
"        dh_strip\n"
"        dh_compress\n"
"        dh_fixperms\n"
"        dh_installdeb\n"
"        dh_shlibdeps\n"
"        dh_gencontrol\n"
"        dh_md5sums\n"
"        dh_builddeb\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:571
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"binary: binary-indep binary-arch\n"
".PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "CDBS"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "With debhelper, still a lot of redundancy between packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "Second-level helpers that factor common functionality"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid ""
"E.g building with \\texttt{./configure \\&\\& make \\&\\& make install} or "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "CDBS:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "Introduced in 2005, based on advanced \\textsl{GNU make} magic"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "Documentation: \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/cdbs/}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "Support for Perl, Python, Ruby, GNOME, KDE, Java, Haskell, \\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "But some people hate it:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid ""
"Sometimes difficult to customize package builds:\\\\ \"\\textsl{twisty maze "
"of makefiles and environment variables}\""
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
msgid "Slower than plain debhelper (many useless calls to \\texttt{dh\\_*})"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:602
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:606
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# add an action after the build\n"
"    /bin/bash debian/scripts/foo.sh\n"
"      "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid "Dh (aka Debhelper 7, or dh7)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid "Introduced in 2008 as a \\textsl{CDBS killer}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid "\\textbf{dh} command that calls \\texttt{dh\\_*}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid "Simple \\textsl{debian/rules}, listing only overrides"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid "Easier to customize than CDBS"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
msgid ""
"Doc: manpages (\\texttt{debhelper(7)}, \\texttt{dh(1)}) + slides from "
"DebConf9 talk\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:627
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"    dh $@\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:630
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     dh_auto_configure -- --with-kitchen-sink\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:633
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     make world\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:634
#, no-wrap
msgid "    "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "Classic debhelper vs CDBS vs dh"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid ""
"Mind shares:\\\\ Classic debhelper: 40\\% \\hskip 1em CDBS: 23\\% \\hskip "
"1em dh: 36\\%"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "Which one should I learn?"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "Probably a bit of all of them"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "You need to know debhelper to use dh and CDBS"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "You might have to modify CDBS packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "Which one should I use for a new package?"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:655
msgid "\\textbf{dh} (only solution with an increasing mind share)"
msgstr ""

#. type: axis[#1]
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:669
msgid ""
"small,label style={font=\\footnotesize},xlabel={\\small "
"Time},ylabel={\\small Market share (\\%)}, date coordinates "
"in=x,height=4.85cm,width=9cm,xticklabel={\\month/\\year}, legend "
"style={font=\\footnotesize,at={(1.02,1)},anchor=north west},max space "
"between ticks=82,try min ticks=5,ymin=0"
msgstr ""

#. type: axis
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:669
msgid ""
"\\addplot[mark=none,blue,thick,style=densely dotted] table[x=date,y=dh] "
"{cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,red,thick,style=dashed] "
"table[x=date,y=dh7] {cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,green,thick] "
"table[x=date,y=cdbs] {cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\legend{debhelper, dh, CDBS}"
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:678
msgid "Building and testing packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:678 packaging-tutorial.tex:678
msgid "Building packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:678
msgid ""
"\\textttc{apt-get build-dep mypackage}\\\\ Installs the "
"\\textsl{build-dependencies} (for a package in the archive)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "\\textttc{debuild}: build, test with \\texttt{lintian}, sign with GPG"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "Also possible to call \\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage} directly"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "Usually with \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "It is better to build packages in a clean \\& minimal environment"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"\\textttc{pbuilder} -- helper to build packages in a \\textsl{chroot}\\\\ "
"Good documentation: \\url{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto}\\\\ "
"(optimization: \\textttc{cowbuilder} \\textttc{ccache} \\textttc{distcc})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"\\textttc{schroot} and \\textttc{sbuild}: used on the Debian build "
"daemons\\\\ (not as simple as \\texttt{pbuilder}, but allows LVM "
"snapshots\\\\ see: \\url{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto} )"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "Generate \\texttt{.deb} files and a \\texttt{.changes} file"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "\\texttt{.changes}: describes what was built; used to upload the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "Installing and testing packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"Install the package locally: \\textttc{debi} (will use \\texttt{.changes} to "
"know what to install)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"List the content of the package: \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debc} "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"Compare the package with a previous version:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debdiff} ../mypackage\\_1\\_*.changes "
"../mypackage\\_2\\_*.changes}\\\\ or to compare the sources:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debdiff} ../mypackage\\_1\\_*.dsc "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"Check the package with \\texttt{lintian} (static analyzer):\\\\ "
"\\texttt{{\\color{rouge}lintian} ../mypackage<TAB>.changes}\\\\ "
"\\texttt{lintian -i}: gives more information about the errors"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid "Upload the package to Debian (\\textttc{dput}) (needs configuration)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750
msgid ""
"Manage a private Debian archive with \\textttc{reprepro}\\\\ Documentation: "
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1270
msgid "Practical session 1: modifying the grep package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"Go to \\url{http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/grep/} and download "
"version 2.6.3-3 of the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid "Look at the files in \\texttt{debian/}."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid "How many binary packages are generated by this source package?"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid "Which packaging helper does this package use?"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1351
msgid "Build the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid ""
"We are now going to modify the package. Add a changelog entry and increase "
"the version number."
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid "Now disable perl-regexp support (it is a \\texttt{./configure} option)"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid "Rebuild the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Compare the original and the new package with debdiff"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Install the newly built package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:750 packaging-tutorial.tex:1296 packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Cry if you messed up ;)"
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765
msgid "Advanced packaging topics"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765 packaging-tutorial.tex:765
msgid "debian/copyright"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765
msgid "Copyright and license information for the source and the packaging"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765
msgid "Traditionally written as a text file"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765
msgid "New machine-readable format: \\url{http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:765
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Upstream-Name: X Solitaire\n"
"Source: ftp://ftp.example.com/pub/games\n";
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:775
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Files: *\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 John Doe <jdoe@example.com>\n"
"License: GPL-2+\n"
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it\n"
" [...]\n"
" .\n"
" On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public\n"
" License version 2 can be found in the file\n"
" `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:780
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Files: debian/*\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 Jane Smith <jsmith@example.net>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811 packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Modifying the upstream source"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Often needed:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Fix bugs or add customizations that are specific to Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Backport fixes from a newer upstream release"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Several methods to do it:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Modifying the files directly"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Simple"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "But no way to track and document the changes"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Using patch systems"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Eases contributing your changes to upstream"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid "Helps sharing the fixes with derivatives"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:811
msgid ""
"Gives more exposure to the changes\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "Patch systems"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "Principle: changes are stored as patches in \\texttt{debian/patches/}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "Applied and unapplied during build"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid ""
"Past: several implementations -- \\textsl{simple-patchsys} (\\textsl{cdbs}), "
"\\textsl{dpatch}, \\textbf{\\textsl{quilt}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "Each supports two \\texttt{debian/rules} targets:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "\\texttt{debian/rules patch}: apply all patches"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "\\texttt{debian/rules unpatch}: de-apply all patches"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "More documentation: \\url{http://wiki.debian.org/debian/patches}";
msgstr ""

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "New source package format with built-in patch system: 3.0 (quilt)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid "Recommended solution"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:836
msgid ""
"You need to learn \\textsl{quilt}\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:859
msgid "Documentation of patches"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:859
msgid "Standard headers at the beginning of the patch"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:859
msgid ""
"Documented in DEP-3 - Patch Tagging Guidelines\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:859
msgid "All patches are published on \\url{http://patch-tracker.debian.org/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:859
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Description: Fix widget frobnication speeds\n"
" Frobnicating widgets too quickly tended to cause explosions.\n"
"Forwarded: http://lists.example.com/2010/03/1234.html\n";
"Author: John Doe <johndoe-guest@users.alioth.debian.org>\n"
"Applied-Upstream: 1.2, http://bzr.foo.com/frobnicator/revision/123\n";
"Last-Update: 2010-03-29\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:863
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"--- a/src/widgets.c\n"
"+++ b/src/widgets.c\n"
"@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ struct {"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883 packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid "Doing things during installation and removal"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid "Decompressing the package is sometimes not enough"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid ""
"Create/remove system users, start/stop services, manage "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid ""
"Done in \\textsl{maintainer scripts}\\\\ \\texttt{preinst, postinst, prerm, "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid "Snippets for common actions can be generated by debhelper"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid "Documentation:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:883
msgid ""
"Debian Policy Manual, chapter 6\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:899
msgid ""
"Debian Developer's Reference, chapter 6.4\\\\ {\\scriptsize "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:899
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:899
msgid "Prompting the user"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:899
msgid "Must be done with \\textbf{debconf}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:899
msgid "Documentation: \\texttt{debconf-devel(7)} (\\texttt{debconf-doc} package)"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:905
msgid "Monitoring upstream versions"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:905
msgid "Specify where to look in \\texttt{debian/watch} (see \\texttt{uscan(1)})"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:905
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:908
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"http://tmrc.mit.edu/mirror/twisted/Twisted/(\\d\\.\\d)/ \\\n"
"  Twisted-([\\d\\.]*)\\.tar\\.bz2\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:922
msgid ""
"Debian infrastructure that makes use of \\texttt{debian/watch}:\\\\ "
"\\textbf{Debian External Health Status}\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:922
msgid ""
"Maintainer warned by emails sent to the Package Tracking System\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:922
msgid "\\texttt{uscan}: run a manual check"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:922
msgid "\\texttt{uupdate}: try to update your package to the latest upstream version"
msgstr ""

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "Packaging with a VCS (SVN, Git \\& friends)"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "Packaging with a VCS (SVN, Git, etc.)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid ""
"Several tools to help manage branches and tags for your packaging work:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{svn-buildpackage}, \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "Example: \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid ""
"\\texttt{upstream} branch to track upstream with "
"\\texttt{upstream/\\textsl{version}} tags"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\texttt{master} branch tracks the Debian package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\texttt{debian/\\textsl{version}} tags for each upload"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\texttt{pristine-tar} branch to be able to rebuild the upstream tarball"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\texttt{Vcs-*} fields in \\texttt{debian/control} to locate the repository"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\url{http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid "\\url{http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Svn}";
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=devscripts/devscripts.git\n";
"Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/devscripts/devscripts.git\n"
"  "
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl/\n";
"Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl\n"
"  "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid ""
"VCS-agnostic interface: \\texttt{debcheckout}, \\texttt{debcommit}, "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:960
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debcheckout grep} $\\rightarrow$ checks out the source package from "
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Maintaining packages in Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989 packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Several ways to contribute to Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "\\textbf{Worst} way to contribute:"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Package your own application"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Get it into Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Disappear"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "\\textbf{Better} ways to contribute:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Get involved in packaging teams"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Many teams that focus on set of packages, and need help"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "List available at \\url{http://wiki.debian.org/Teams}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "An excellent way to learn from more experienced contributors"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Adopt existing unmaintained packages (\\textsl{orphaned packages})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Bring new software to Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Only if it's interesting/useful enough, please"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:989
msgid "Are there alternatives already packaged in Debian?"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027 packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Adopting orphaned packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Many unmaintained packages in Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Full list + process: \\url{http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Installed on your machine: \\texttt{wnpp-alert}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Different states:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "\\textbf{O}rphaned: the package is unmaintained\\\\ Feel free to adopt it"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid ""
"\\textbf{RFA}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{A}dopter\\\\ "
"Maintainer looking for adopter, but continues work in the meantime\\\\ Feel "
"free to adopt it. A mail to the current maintainer is polite"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid ""
"\\textbf{ITA}: \\textbf{I}ntent \\textbf{T}o \\textbf{A}dopt\\\\ Someone "
"intends to adopt the package\\\\ You could propose your help!"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid ""
"\\textbf{RFH}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{H}elp\\\\ The "
"maintainer is looking for help"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid "Some unmaintained packages not detected \\arr not orphaned yet"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1027
msgid ""
"When in doubt, ask \\texttt{debian-qa@lists.debian.org} \\\\ or "
"\\texttt{\\#debian-qa} on \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049 packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid "Getting your package in Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid "You do not need any official status to get your package into Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid "Prepare a source package"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid "Find a Debian Developer that will sponsor your package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid "Official status (when you are already experienced):"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Debian Maintainer (DM):}\\\\ Permission to upload your own "
"packages\\\\ See \\url{http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1049
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Debian Developer (DD):}\\\\ Debian project members; can vote and "
"upload any package"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076 packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "Where to find help?"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "Help you will need:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "Advice and answers to your questions, code reviews"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "Sponsorship for your uploads, once your package is ready"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "You can get help from:"
msgstr ""

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "Other members of a packaging team"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "They know the specifics of your package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "You can become a member of the team"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "The Debian Mentors group (if your package doesn't fit in a team)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "\\url{http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid ""
"Mailing list: \\url{debian-mentors@lists.debian.org}\\\\ {\\small (also a "
"good way to learn by accident)}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "IRC: \\texttt{\\#debian-mentors} on \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1076
msgid "\\url{http://mentors.debian.net/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1094 packaging-tutorial.tex:1094
msgid "Official documentation"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1094
msgid ""
"Debian Developers' Corner\\\\ \\url{http://www.debian.org/devel/}\\\\ "
"{\\small Links to many resources about Debian development}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1094
msgid ""
"Debian New Maintainers' Guide\\\\ "
"\\url{http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/}\\\\ {\\small An introduction "
"to Debian packaging, but could use an update}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1094
msgid ""
"Debian Developer's Reference\\\\ "
"\\url{http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/}\\\\ {\\small Mostly "
"about Debian procedures, but also some best packaging practices (part 6)}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1094
msgid "Debian Policy\\\\ \\url{http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/}\\\\";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1100
msgid ""
"{\\small \\begin{itemize} \\item \\small All the requirements that every "
"package must satisfy \\item \\small Specific policies for Perl, Java, "
"Python, \\ldots \\end{itemize}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1105
msgid "Ubuntu Packaging Guide\\\\ \\url{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide}";
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1115
msgid "Debian dashboards for maintainers"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1115
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Source package centric}: Package Tracking System (PTS)\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1115
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Maintainer/team centric}: Developer's Packages Overview (DDPO)\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142 packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "More interested in Ubuntu?"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Ubuntu mainly manages the divergence with Debian"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid ""
"No real focus on specific packages\\\\ Instead, collaboration with Debian "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid ""
"Usually recommend uploading new packages to Debian first\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Possibly a better plan:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Get involved in a Debian team and act as a bridge with Ubuntu"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Help reduce divergence, triage bugs in Launchpad"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Many Debian tools can help:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Ubuntu column on the Developer's packages overview"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Ubuntu box on the Package Tracking System"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1142
msgid "Receive launchpad bugmail via the PTS"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173 packaging-tutorial.tex:1173 packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Conclusion"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "You now have a full overview of Debian packaging"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "But you will need to read more documentation"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Best practices have evolved over the years"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid ""
"If not sure, use the \\textbf{dh} packaging helper, and the \\textbf{3.0 "
"(quilt)} format"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Things that were not covered in this tutorial:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "UCF -- manage user changes to configuration files when upgrading"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "dpkg triggers -- group similar maintainer scripts actions together"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Debian development organization:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Bug Tracking System (BTS)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid ""
"Suites: stable, testing, unstable, experimental, security, *-updates, "
"backports, \\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "Debian Blends -- subsets of Debian targeting specific groups"
msgstr ""

#. type: centerline{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1173
msgid "\\large Feedback: \\textbf{lucas@debian.org}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1176 packaging-tutorial.tex:1176
msgid "Legal stuff"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1179
msgid "Copyright \\copyright 2011 Lucas Nussbaum -- lucas@debian.org"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1195
msgid ""
"{\\small \\textbf{This document is free software}: you can redistribute it "
"and/or modify it under either (at your option): \\hbr \\begin{itemize} "
"\\item The terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
"Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) "
"any later version.\\\\ \\url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html} \\br "
"\\item The terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported "
"License.\\\\ \\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} "
"\\end{itemize} }"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1202 packaging-tutorial.tex:1202
msgid "Latest version \\& source code"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1202
msgid ""
"Latest version:\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1216
msgid "Contribute:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1216
msgid ""
"{\\small \\texttt{git clone\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1216
msgid "{\\small \\texttt{apt-get source packaging-tutorial}}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1216
msgid ""
"{\\small "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1216
msgid ""
"Feedback: "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Practical session 2: packaging GNUjump"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid ""
"Download GNUjump 1.0.6 from "
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Create a Debian package for it"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Install build-dependencies so that you can build the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Get a basic working package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Finish filling \\texttt{debian/control} and other files"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1234 packaging-tutorial.tex:1440
msgid "Enjoy"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "Practical session 3: packaging a Java library"
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "Take a quick look at some documentation about Java packaging:\\\\"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "\\url{http://wiki.debian.org/Java}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "\\url{http://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "\\url{http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "\\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/tutorial.html}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid ""
"Paper and slides from a Debconf10 talk about javahelper:\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
"\\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/debconf10-javahelper-paper.pdf}\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "Download IRClib from \\url{http://moepii.sourceforge.net/}";
msgstr ""

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1259 packaging-tutorial.tex:1544
msgid "Package it"
msgstr ""

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1261
msgid "Answers to practical sessions"
msgstr ""

#. type: center
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1267
msgid "\\LARGE Answers to"
msgstr ""

#. type: center
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1267
msgid "[0.5em] practical sessions"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1296
msgid "Practical session: modifying the grep package"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Fetching the source"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"Use dget to download the \\texttt{.dsc} file:\\\\ {\\small \\texttt{dget "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"According to \\texttt{http://packages.qa.debian.org/grep}, \\texttt{grep} "
"version 2.6.3-3 is currently in \\textsl{stable} (\\textsl{squeeze}). If you "
"have \\texttt{deb-src} lines for \\textsl{squeeze} in your "
"\\texttt{/etc/apt/sources.list}, you can use:\\\\ \\texttt{apt-get source "
"grep=2.6.3-3}\\\\ or \\texttt{apt-get source grep/stable}\\\\ or, if you "
"feel lucky: \\texttt{apt-get source grep}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "The \\texttt{grep} source package is composed of three files:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.debian.tar.bz2}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3.orig.tar.bz2}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "This is typical of the \"3.0 (quilt)\" format."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"If needed, uncompress the source with\\\\ \\texttt{dpkg-source -x "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid "Looking around and building the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid ""
"According to \\texttt{debian/control}, this package only generates one "
"binary package, named \\texttt{grep}."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1342
msgid ""
"According to \\texttt{debian/rules}, this package is typical of "
"\\textsl{classic} debhelper packaging, without using \\textsl{CDBS} or "
"\\textsl{dh}. One can see the various calls to \\texttt{dh\\_*} commands in "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1351
msgid "Use \\texttt{apt-get build-dep grep} to fetch the build-dependencies"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1351
msgid ""
"Then \\texttt{debuild} or \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} (Takes about 1 "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1355
msgid "Editing the changelog"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debian/changelog} is a text file. You could edit it and add a new "
"entry manually."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid "Or you can use \\texttt{dch -i}, which will add an entry and open the editor"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid ""
"The name and email can be defined using the \\texttt{DEBFULLNAME} and "
"\\texttt{DEBEMAIL} environment variables"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid "After that, rebuild the package: a new version of the package is built"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1372
msgid ""
"Package versioning is detailed in section 5.6.12 of the Debian policy\\\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1376
msgid "Disabling Perl regexp support and rebuilding"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid ""
"Check with \\texttt{./configure -{}-help}: the option to disable Perl regexp "
"is \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid "Edit \\texttt{debian/rules} and find the \\texttt{./configure} line"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid "Add \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1392
msgid "Rebuild with \\texttt{debuild} or \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1396
msgid "Comparing and testing the packages"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Compare the binary packages: \\texttt{debdiff ../*changes}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Compare the source packages: \\texttt{debdiff ../*dsc}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid ""
"Install the newly built package: \\texttt{debi}\\\\ Or \\texttt{dpkg -i "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "\\texttt{grep -P foo} no longer works!"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid "Or not: reinstall the previous version of the package:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1422
msgid ""
"\\texttt{apt-get install -{}-reinstall grep=2.6.3-3} \\textit{(= previous "
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469 packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Step by step\\ldots"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "\\texttt{wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnujump/1.0.6/gnujump-1.0.6.tar.gz}";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "\\texttt{mv gnujump-1.0.6.tar.gz gnujump\\_1.0.6.orig.tar.gz}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "\\texttt{tar xf gnujump\\_1.0.6.orig.tar.gz}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "\\texttt{cd gnujump-1.0.6/}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "\\texttt{dh\\_make}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
msgid "Type of package: single binary (for now)"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1469
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"gnujump-1.0.6$ ls debian/\n"
"changelog           gnujump.default.ex   preinst.ex\n"
"compat              gnujump.doc-base.EX  prerm.ex\n"
"control             init.d.ex            README.Debian\n"
"copyright           manpage.1.ex         README.source\n"
"docs                manpage.sgml.ex      rules\n"
"emacsen-install.ex  manpage.xml.ex       source\n"
"emacsen-remove.ex   menu.ex              watch.ex\n"
"emacsen-startup.ex  postinst.ex\n"
"gnujump.cron.d.ex   postrm.ex"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "Step by step \\ldots (2)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid ""
"Look at \\texttt{debian/changelog}, \\texttt{debian/rules}, "
"\\texttt{debian/control}\\\\ (auto-filled by \\textbf{dh\\_make})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid ""
"In \\texttt{debian/control}:\\\\ \\texttt{Build-Depends: debhelper (>= "
"7.0.50~), autotools-dev}\\\\ Lists the \\textsl{build-dependencies} = "
"packages needed to build the package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "Try to build the package as-is (thanks to \\textbf{dh} magic)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "And add build-dependencies, until it builds"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid ""
"Hint: use \\texttt{apt-cache search} and \\texttt{apt-file} to find the "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "Example:"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"checking for sdl-config... no\n"
"checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no\n"
"configure: error: *** SDL version 1.2.0 not found!"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "$\\rightarrow$ Add \\textbf{libsdl1.2-dev} to Build-Depends and install it."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1496
msgid "Better: use \\textbf{pbuilder} to build in a clean environment"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Step by step \\ldots (3)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid ""
"After installing \\texttt{libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl-image1.2-dev, "
"libsdl-mixer1.2-dev}, the package builds fine."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Use \\texttt{debc} to list the content of the generated package."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Use \\texttt{debi} to install it and test it."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid ""
"Fill in \\texttt{debian/control} using "
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Test the package with \\texttt{lintian}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Remove the files that you don't need in \\texttt{debian/}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "Compare your package with the one already packaged in Debian:"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid ""
"It splits the data files to a second package, that is the same across all "
"architectures ($\\rightarrow$ saves space in the Debian archive)"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid ""
"It installs a .desktop file (for the GNOME/KDE menus) and also integrates "
"into the Debian menu"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1519
msgid "It fixes a few minor problems using patches"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get install javahelper}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Create a basic source package: \\texttt{jh\\_makepkg}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Library"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "None"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Default Free compiler/runtime"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Look at and fix \\texttt{debian/*}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} or \\texttt{debuild}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "\\texttt{lintian}, \\texttt{debc}, etc."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1565
msgid "Compare your result with the \\texttt{libirclib-java} source package"
msgstr ""

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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