DDTSS is broken
Hi all,
DDTSS is broken.
For example the Italian translations can be done only for packages name
starting with ^[A-L].
The Italian team has stop translating packages descriptions because
sometime some translations can't be reviewed: the package description is
not accessible and forcing fetching do not solve this problem. After few
hours/days these packages disappear from Pending review...
We think that some translation not approved have been lost.
Now we cannot see also package in the [A-L] range, for example evince:
you can call and see the evince text in the review phase, but this
package is no more visible in the main page:
Sections: "Pending review", "Reviewed by you" and "Recently translated"
are all empty.
Now I see that also all the 1002 suggestions are visible, but all these
have been already accepted or rejected and now all suggested packages
are all translated.
Note that there are also spams:
I wish that this spam is not indexed by search engine...
Also some suggestions are for the same package and some are wrong
suggestions (bad translations).
Please, can all suggestions be deleted?
I think it is best to stop the DDTSS until the database will be fixed again.
Dizionari: http://linguistico.sourceforge.net/wiki
Strumenti per l'ufficio: http://it.openoffice.org
GNU/Linux User: 302090: http://counter.li.org
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