On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 19:33:20 +0100, Martin Bagge / brother wrote: > I noticed via debian-publicity (link to debian-devel that lead on to > bug #609624) that there are a couple of broken translations. > > Julien Cristau wrote: > "And it's not just console-setup, either. Though that seems to have > gathered the worst of it. <http://paste.debian.net/104282/>" > > According to that list Swedish has three broken files (astk was pinged to > me so that is already taken care of). > > Are we wainting for someone to take care of these things for us or should > every affected language team see for them self and send patches to the BTS > or what is the status? > I think Christian will take care of this (and contact translators if he needs something, I guess). See the thread starting at http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/01/msg00288.html Cheers, Julien
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