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Localization status for Debian Installer (July 5th update)

The deadline is now over. I'm still hunting down a few translators in
order to try rescuing a few more languages.

In very short:
57 languages are in good shape (+1)
10 languages are in danger of being deactivated (+0)

- Ukrainian completely on the safe side
- Persian activated
- Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch completed

The safe side
45 languages are complete (+2):
ar ast bg bn bs ca cs da de dz eo es eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi id it
ja kk km ko lt lv mr nb nl pa pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv th tr
zh_CN zh_TW

4 languages were complete before hw-detect changes in sublevel 3 (-1):
el et ta vi
(reminder mailed on June 6th)

2 languages were complete before changes to sublevels 5 and 3 (+0):
ml sq
(reminder mailed on June 6th)
(ml: l1 and l2 update on June 27th)

2 languages complete for all sublevels but sublevel 3 (+1):
ka uk

1 language complete for all first 3 sublevels (+0):

1 language complete for all first 2 sublevels (+0):

The "nearly safe" side
2 languages have a few strings to update in sublevels 1 to 3 but have
recently active translators who will probably easy cope with them (-2):
be hu
(be: reminder mailed on June 6th for sublevels 3 and 5)
(hu: progress on June 15th)

The unsafe side
1 language had a few updates since lenny but not on a regular
basis (+0).
 This language is at risk of being deactivated for Squeeze if it
 is not complete for sublevels 1 and 2:
(tl: mailed June 15th. Re-mail July 5th)

4 languages were complete in lenny but had no update since then (+0).
 These languages are at risk of being deactivated for Squeeze if they
 are not complete for sublevels 1 and 2:
hr mk ne wo
(mail to as many ppl as possible: June 15th)
(hr:  mail July 5th)
(mk: contact with Arangel Angov on June 16th. Pointed him to the
 files. No wnews since then. Remail on July 5th)
(ne:  mail again on July 5th)
(wo:  mail again on July 5th)

4 active languages are in bad shape (+0) 
 They were not complete for lenny and had no update since *before* the
 release of lenny. They're at risk of being deactivated except se which
 is an "historical "exception. Stats for sublevels 1 and 2:

093%  ku
093%  sr
092%  cy
024%  se
(ku, sr:mail July 5th)

The "prospective" side
Prospective languages are languages that are not yet
activated. They'll be activated if they reach 100% for sublevels 1 and 2.

11 Prospective languages are stalled(+0). Stats for sublevels 1 and 2:
097%  si (P)
075%  is (P)
071%  kn (P)
069%  ms (P)
043%  br (P)
024%  te (P)
023%  mg (P)
015%  xh (P)
013%  ur (P)
003%  hy (P)
000%  lo (P) 
(si: mailed July 5th)


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