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Speeding up l10n NMUs

The release is closer and closer...

Please notice that all NMU intents I send from now will be much

day 0: intent to NMU
day 2: call for translations if no answer or objection from maintainer
day 6: end of call for translations
day 7: build and upload to DELAYED/2-day
day 9: package reaches unstable
day 19: package hopefully reaches testing

As you see, even when speeding up things, it still takes nearly 3
weeks for a given translation to reach testing. And that only if
nothing worse shows up during the process.

So, you've been warned: you'll have very few time to react to calls
for translations.

Please notice that these NMUs will be focused to get the following
languages in for debconf translations:
ru sv pt fr es cs

So, even if other languages are very much welcomed (hello to
Vietnamese, Danish, etc.), I won't delay anything for them and you
*must* be on time if you want your translation to be included.


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