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Re: HELP: maint-guide translation proofing for zh_TW

         In hans, 文檔 and 文件 is not same.文檔 means something like help files,etc.
         Isn't it in hans?

         I have no idea about this. 範例 may be better than 示例 ?

         here,軟體包 means deb packages. What is it called in hans?
         套件  may means a packages that contains lots of software?

s/這講/時/g # gnupg, typo, should also be fixed in the cn version

         In hans, 刷新(Reload) means reload or something like this. But
更新(update) may need something hard work.

# s/開源//g not sure
         As talking in debian-i18n, let's ignore all of
software,non-free, just for now.

# s/項目//g not sure
        part agree. Some 項目 indeed should be 工程,just like "Gnu 項目"

        No idea

s/在綫資源/線上資源/g # in fact, 綫 should be 線
        It should fault of opencc

        There are several 庫, I agree that 2 are chaged to 函式庫     库则较难处理    库软件包

s/裏麵/裏面/g # in fact, 麵 should be 面, it's not inter-changeable. maybe a
error of opencc

        for these two, In origial  English, it not mentioned
uncompressing, just unpack.

s/相噹/相當/g # in fact, 噹 should be 當, it's not inter-changeable. maybe a
error of opencc

        圖標==icon in hans

        a error of opencc?

s/其他命令去/其他命令前/g # typo, should also be fixed in the cn version

s/需要我們編,需要我們編輯輯/需要我們編輯/g # doubled, should also be fixed the cn version
        +2 note: 輯 is doubled,too.

       both folder and dir translated to 目錄 in hant?  in hans,
文件夾==folder, dir==目錄

s/內核路徑/核心程序/g # cn seems mis-translated
       should it be 內核函式?   Kernel routines

YunQiang Su

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