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A few hints to translators sending translations as bug reports

Here are a few comments I made for some of you in private already, but
could deserve to be sent in public.

When you send a translation update (which hopefully you do with the
"reportbug" utility if you're using a Debian system), think about:

- sending the translation file as <code>.po where <code> is your
  language code.

  In the past, a common practice was gzipping files...not really to
  save out space but more to guarantee that no bad things will happen
  to the file's encoding. This is not really useful anymore

  Why do that? Because the file will be used as <code>.po by
  maintainers and they will only have to drop out your file in the
  right directory instead of running "gzip -d" on it or rename that
  funky foo-bar_debian_po_<code>.po file to <code>.po.... Believe me,
  when you have to do this dozen of times for a translation update,
  this is really painful..:-)

- use DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL variables in your .profile file

  That will allow your bug reports to come from someone who looks like
  a real person and not only a mail address. These variables are
  indeed used by many Debian utilities and developer tools.


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