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Re: Lenny upgrade-advisor

[I CC to debian-i18n@lists.debian.org in case someone has better
recommendations to do]

Franklin PIAT wrote:
> Vincent,
> Vincent Danjean wrote:
>> Franklin PIAT wrote:
>>> I have re-worked upgrade-advisor to make it pluggable.
> [..]
>>> + Testing/Feedback is welcome
>> Did you consider i18n ?
>> gettext exists as a shell program (and you can easily provide
>> a function that does nothing in case gettext is not installed)
> Do you know any package that use this feature ?
> That would help me implement it the right way.

I use this kind of thing for a website in SPIP (mix of HTML, php and
pseudo-HTML language). There is two parts to consider:
1) extract original text to create the POT file
2) use gettext to get the correct translation

Of cause, between 1 and 2, you have to translate, compile translations (po->mo)
install translations in the correct place, ... but all of this is very standard.

In the po/ directory of my website, I have:
        @echo "use 'make file.po' to update the po file from the pot file if needed"
%.po: LIG-spip.pot
        msgmerge --verbose --update $@ $<
        touch $@
update: $(wildcard *.po)
And in the main Makefile (in ./):
locale/%/LC_MESSAGES/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).mo: po/%.po
        mkdir -p locale/$*/LC_MESSAGES
        msgfmt --check -D po --output-file=$@ $*.po

translations: po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).pot $(foreach lang,$(LANGAGES),locale/$(lang)/LC_MESSAGES/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).mo)
po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).pot: [All source files]
	complex scripts to extract info in a pot file as gettext does not know SPIP dialect

As shell scripts are managed by xgettext, I think that a simple command
to create the pot file should be enough. Something as (not tested):
XGETTEXT=xgettext \
        --msgid-bugs-address=project@email \
        --from-code=UTF-8 \
        --copyright-holder=PROJECT_NAME \
po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).pot: [all script files]
	$(XGETTEXT) --output-dir=po --default-domain $(GETTEXT_DOMAIN) --language Shell $^
	sed -i po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po -e 's,^"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\\n"$$,"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n",'
        @if test -f $@ ; then \
                REP="$$(grep '^"POT-Creation-Date: [0-9 :+-]*\\n"$$' $@ | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' )" ; \
                sed -i po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po -e 's,^"POT-Creation-Date: [0-9 :+-]*\\n"$$,'"$$REP"',' ; \
        @REP="$$(grep '^"POT-Creation-Date: [0-9 :+-]*\\n"$$' po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' )" ; \
        if ! diff -u $@ po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po ; then \
                mv po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po $@ ;\
                sed -i $@ -e 's,^"POT-Creation-Date: [0-9 :+-]*\\n"$$,'$$REP',' ;\
                echo "********************" ;\
                echo "$@ has been modified. Translations probably need to be updated" ; \
                echo "********************" ;\
                $(MAKE) -C po update ;\
        else \
                mv po/$(GETTEXT_DOMAIN).po $@ ;\

Note that all file manipulation to avoid to change the file if it is the
same (but the date) is perhaps due to #496282 (now fixed in testing but I did not recheck
my Makefiles (and they must work on older system anyway))

Of course, in your scripts, you need to call gettext. Some idea (not tested at all):


# This function must be called 'gettext'
# so that xgettext find the string to translate
gettext() {
        if test -n "MYGETTEXT"; then
                if test -x "$(which gettext)" ; then
                        MYGETTEXT="$(which gettext) -d Project_name -s"
        $MYGETTEXT "$1"

# gettext is a replacement for echo
gettext coucou


#Wrong: $BASEDIR never interpreted by the shell
ARG="$(gettext '$BASEDIR/file.en.html')"
echo "$ARG"

#Wrong: $BASEDIR interpreted before gettext called
#but xgettext cannot extract it:
ARG="$(gettext "$BASEDIR/file.en.html")"
echo "$ARG"

#Right: $BASEDIR not interpreted before gettext called but after (translators
#must keep $BASEDIR in their translation)
#xgettext can extract the message:
ARG="$(eval echo "$(gettext '$BASEDIR/file.en.html')")"
echo "$ARG"



> Thanks
> Franklin

Vincent Danjean                 Adresse: Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
Téléphone:  +33 4 76 61 20 11            ENSIMAG - antenne de Montbonnot
Fax:        +33 4 76 61 20 99            ZIRST 51, avenue Jean Kuntzmann
Email: Vincent.Danjean@imag.fr           38330 Montbonnot Saint Martin

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