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aptitude: users must enter "Yes" message in each localized words and more, when they are warned to use unofficial repositories

Hi aptitude maintainer (and i18n mailing list),

 (I've filed this bug and CCed to mailing list, but mail has not come to
  list, so post again to list).

 I'll report about aptitude i18n bug.

 * aptitude users should enter localized "YES" message when they will
   use unofficial repositories if they didn't import GPG keys for that.

 When we use unofficial but useful repositories (for example, backports.org,
 debian-mutimedia.org or so), we should import gpg keys before install
 packages from them.

 But we -users- sometimes forgot (or don't understand?) that, and get a
 warning from aptitude such as (under LANG=C)

> WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!
> Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
> You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that
> this is what you want to do.
>   ttf-umefont ttf-ipafont ttf-togoshi-gothic
> Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
> To continue, enter "Yes"; to abort, enter "No":

 And this message is also localized, so it would be different in each locales.
 Great. Thanks for translators :-)

 But we MUST enter replies "Yes" message in each locales in this situation...
 For example, in Japanese (ja_JP.UTF-8 or so), when aptitude warns, such as

> 警告: 以下のパッケージは信頼できないバージョンがインストールされます!
> 信頼できないパッケージはシステムのセキュリティを危うくする可能性があります。
> 自分がこのインストールを望んでいると確信できる場合のみ、インストールを先に進め
> てください。
>   ttf-umefont ttf-ipafont ttf-togoshi-gothic
> この警告を無視して意地でも先に進みますか?

 (can you see this with Japanese font? if not, see 

 then we will enter just "Y" or "Yes", but aptitude don't recognize this
 as "YES" message from user, see reply from aptitude messsage

> 先に進む場合は "はい (Y)" を、中断する場合は "いいえ (N)" を、入力してください:Y
> 入力を認識できません。"はい (Y)" か "いいえ (N)" を入力してください。
> この警告を無視して意地でも先に進みますか?
> 先に進む場合は "はい (Y)" を、中断する場合は "いいえ (N)" を、入力してください:


 Then, how can we continue? ...we should enter localized YES message,
 such as ' "はい (Y)" ' (Japanese YES message) by copy&paste, '(' and ')'
 are also needed to do. Umm.
 See http://wiki.debian.org/L10n/Japanese?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=screenshot_aptitude-localized-continue01.png

 This confuses non-English users, they want to continue by entering just
 "Yes", but they can't do that. So could you try to give us any fix or
 workaround for this issue by default? Needs help.

 (and many users don't know LANG=C as workaround... now ;)


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/iijmio-mail.jp

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