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Intent to NMU root-system to introduce debconf l10n

Dear Debian maintainer,

The root-system Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, introduced
debconf templates without a prior call for translations.

This generally makes translators quite grumpy as this doesn't give
us any opportunity to translate your package's templates...and we
have to wait for the next upload without knowing when it will happen.

I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
for root-system in order to fix this.

Of course, an upload made by you would even be better...:-)...I talk about
NMU just to be sure you'll react...:). If you prefer uploading, then
tell me and I'll launch a call for translations with a deadline
explicitely fixed so that translators know what they have to do.
At the end of that round, I'll summarize things out and send you a
general patch. Then, I'll watch what happens to the package and nag
you periodically..:-)

Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.

The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
or if I don't receive any answer in 14 days) is roughly the following:

 Monday, June 23, 2008   : send this notice
 Thursday, July 03, 2008       : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
                 (maintainer) CC'ed
                 this can happen earlier if the maintainer agrees
                 In such case, the deadlines below will also
                 happen earlier
 Friday, July 11, 2008       : (midnight) deadline for receiving translation updates
 Saturday, July 12, 2008       : build the package and upload it to DELAYED/2-day
                 send the NMU patch to the BTS
 Monday, July 14, 2008       : NMU reaches incoming

If you prefer uploading yourself, please tell me so that I can send a
call for translations.

In case I upload an NMU, I will subscribe to the Package Tracking System for
root-system and follow its life for 60 days after my NMU in order to fix
any issue potentially introduced by my upload.

Let me know, as soon as possible, if you have any kind of objection to this

If you'd rather do the fix yourself, I will of course leave the package
alone. Same if you have reasons not to do the update now.


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