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Dhelp French translation and call for translations

Hi all,

    A had some problems with string updating, but they are solved now, so
please translate the current strings if you feel like it!

    A couple of comments:

    There is no need to get defensive Christian! It's not that I opposed
including the translations or anything. It was just that I received (to my
surprise; I don't remember having asked for them) a translation for the dhelp
strings, but:

    * It had only four strings translated, and when I received it I already
      had around 15.
    * When I tried to merge, two of them were marked "fuzzy" and the other two
      were not there anymore, which makes a grand total of two strings
    * Also, more importantly, I had problems with rmsgmerge (I was using that
      instead of msgmerge), and when trying to update the translations, it
      just resulted in every string (including the Spanish ones) being
      commented out. I just thought that at that moment it wasn't worth
      figuring out what the problem was, just for two strings.

Anyway, I just tried with msgmerge, and it seems to work OK, so I'll include
whatever strings I have, and please send updates for the rest of them (and any
other language!).

    Best regards, and sorry for the misunderstanding!

Esteban Manchado Velázquez <zoso@debian.org>
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