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Re: Automatic checks for po files

There are two gettext-lint and pofilter from the Translate Toolkit.

I use pofilter extensively for checking South African translations.  Its
integrated into Pootle so you might find it easier to use through

This is a Quickstart guide to using it:

[dwayne@laptop pootle]$ pofilter -l | wc -l

You are free to add to or enhance the existing checks but you might find
that the current ones are more then what you need.

[dwayne@laptop pootle]$ pofilter -l
accelerators    checks whether accelerators are consistent between the
two strings
acronyms        checks that acronyms that appear are unchanged
blank   checks whether a translation is totally blank
brackets        checks that the number of brackets in both strings match
compendiumconflicts     checks for Gettext compendium conflicts
doublequoting   checks whether doublequoting is consistent between the
two strings
doublespacing   checks for bad double-spaces by comparing to original
doublewords     checks for repeated words in the translation
emails  checks to see that emails are not translated
endpunc checks whether punctuation at the end of the strings match
endwhitespace   checks whether whitespace at the end of the strings
escapes checks whether escaping is consistent between the two strings
filepaths       checks that file paths have not been translated
functions       checks to see that function names are not translated
isfuzzy check if the po element has been marked fuzzy
isreview        check if the po element has been marked review
kdecomments     checks to ensure that no KDE style comments appear in
the translation
long    checks whether a translation is much longer than the original
musttranslatewords      checks that words configured as definitely
translatable don't appear in the translation
notranslatewords        checks that words configured as untranslatable
appear in the translation too
numbers checks whether numbers of various forms are consistent between
the two strings
puncspacing     checks for bad spacing after punctuation
purepunc        checks that strings that are purely punctuation are not
sentencecount   checks that the number of sentences in both strings
short   checks whether a translation is much shorter than the original
simplecaps      checks the capitalisation of two strings isn't wildly
simpleplurals   checks for English style plural(s) for you to review
singlequoting   checks whether singlequoting is consistent between the
two strings
spellcheck      checks words that don't pass a spell check
startcaps       checks that the message starts with the correct
startpunc       checks whether punctuation at the beginning of the
strings match
startwhitespace checks whether whitespace at the beginning of the
strings matches
unchanged       checks whether a translation is basically identical to
the original string
untranslated    checks whether a string has been translated at all
urls    checks to see that URLs are not translated
validchars      checks that only characters specified as valid appear in
the translation
variables       checks whether variables of various forms are consistent
between the two strings
xmltags checks that XML/HTML tags have not been translated

On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 01:45 -0500, Joe Wreschnig wrote:
> Hi,
> At some point I seem to recall there being a tool like 'pofix' or
> 'pocheck' or something along those lines, that was more powerful/strict
> than 'msgfmt -c'. Was I dreaming, or does such a tool actually exist?
> (Preferrably something that also lets me add my own checks.)
Dwayne Bailey

+27-12-460-1095 (w)
+27-83-443-7114 (cell)

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