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Re: [Fwd: Licensing of translation work [Was: Problemas de rosetta]]

Daniel Nylander <info@danielnylander.se>
> FYI regarding license issues in Rosetta.
> From: Jordi Mallach <jordi@sindominio.net>
> First of all, we don't think the copyright is being "transfered" to
> Canonical. At the very least, it would be shared between Canonical and
> you, the Rosetta Contributor.

I don't understand what original creative contribution is made
to this translator's work by Canonical Ltd or its employees.
The contribution from Rosetta seems mechanical and derivative.
Why is Canonical's assertion of copyright valid?

This copyright assertion isn't described on https://launchpad.net/legal
- why not and when are translators told about it?

> The sole reason Canonical is adding this header is because we want to be
> able to share the translator's work across different, freely licenced
> products that are available for translation in Rosetta. As not all
> projects use the same licence, this is necessary to be able to do it no
> matter what.

Why isn't the work licensed appropriately at the time of input
into Rosetta?  Having Canonical Ltd assert copyright doesn't
seem necessary and AIUI doesn't let Canonical share the work
across different products in the way described - even if the
copyright assertion is valid, Canonical can't relicense the
whole work without the consent of the other copyright holders.
That is to say: this doesn't achieve the sole reason given IMO.

What is the status of the Launchpad refactoring apparently
required for Rosetta to be released as free software?

Cc Jordi Mallach

Thanks for any answers,
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