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Re: [benlaenen@gmail.com: [DejaVu-fonts] DejaVu Fonts 2.13 released]

On 18/12/2006, at 6:14 PM, Christian Perrier wrote:

Excellent occasion to announce that Peter Cernak has mentioned me that
he wants to stop maintaining ttf-dejavi. I proposed Davide to take the
maintenance over as main maintainer (I'll be his sponsor just like I
was for Peter Cernak, as Davide is not a DD).

Many thanks to Peter, and welcome to Davide! :)

We've seen a lot of progress with the devavu font package in the past few months. It is currently the best free-software pan-Unicode font displaying Vietnamese, which is a testament to the dedicated efforts of its developers to respond to the specific needs of different languages. I recommend it as the appropriate default-install font for my language.

Davide's regular posts to the deb18n list, asking for feedback on the increasingly familiar D-I screenshot, deserved a good outcome. Where are we with dejavu and different languages? Is there any language represented in Debian which still has display issues with dejavu?

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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