Re: Announce of an upcoming update for the aolserver4 package
(CCing debian-l10n-spanish@l.d.o only for informative purposes)
On Tuesday 28 November 2006 17:53, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Dear maintainer of aolserver4 and Debian translators,
-- snip --
> The package is currently translated to: cs da de es fr it ja nl pt_BR sv vi
> Among these, the following translations are incomplete: cs da de es it ja
> nl pt_BR sv vi
> If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
> copy of this announcement BCCd to you. Please review the translation.
I am the current maintainer of the spanish translation. According to [1] PO
file is outdated, otherwise days ago I uploaded a fixed translation to the
BTS [2], is this translation outdated as well?
If the answer is 'yes', please provide me a right PO file to fix this issue
[2] #386801
> You can download the pot, and any po, files from:
This URL throws 404.
- Nacho
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