Thanks for your reply, Felipe :) On 26/11/2006, at 9:12 AM, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
On 11/24/2006 06:50 AM, Clytie Siddall wrote:On 24/11/2006, at 4:28 PM, Christian Perrier wrote:[...]Apart from that, I'd really like to have to Pootle server thererunning as I keep wanting to conduct some tests with D-I files with itand unless I get sudo access, I can't..:)I've been really looking forward to accessing my Debian files on Pootle. How close are we to having our own Pootle at Debian? It would be encouraging to see some progress reports. :)Hmmmm, that's a tricky answer. We already have a Pootle Server, it is not in Debian (yet) but it is entirely maintained by Debian (or Debian related) people.
Good to know it's there. :)
We are working to improve Pootle structure so it can handle the really huge number of PO-files, languages and strings we have in Debian (but Pootle team is aware of that and they have plans to change a few things for us :D).
They're doing a lot of work currently to change the base to XLIFF, which should handle both mass and detail better.
After Debian i18n Extremadura meeting, we have some improvements to share the load and tasks around i18n material, moving a few scripts to We are also moving other scripts that are in $HOME directories to more visible areas. There are also some documentation that needs to be transcript from the paper to the wikis/docs.
I've been impressed by the NMU debconf activity alone. :)
So, there are no big changes or amazing progress so far,
It's the small and consistent efforts which achieve lasting change.
there are very good people working silently to get the best for Debian and for the future i18n infrastructure.
Without increasing the load enormously, could I request a brief monthly email report to the list? Even a few dot points would help.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who would like to know how things are going with this effort. :)
And then, there is me and Luk being there just to make their lifes harder (ok, Luk is not that guilty, but he is in the admin also). ;-)
I'm sure your contribution is helpful. :)
As soon as we get more things changing and news on that field, certainly we will let -i18n know. :o)
Great! But you don't have to achieve a lot before reporting back."Week X: did Y, added Z, removed A, discussed changing B, still looking for time to work on C"
is progress. :)from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
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