(forw) Erroneous warnings from websec-txt-fr (the notification robot)
Don't panic...those of you who are subscribed to the notification
robot have maybe received mails similar to the following mail. This is
*only* an error, please don't panic.
----- Forwarded message from Christian Perrier <bubulle@alioth.debian.org> -----
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:15:49 +0100
To: bubulle@debian.org
Subject: [WebSec-txt-fr] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/l10n-stats/level1/fr.txt - 2006.11.24__09.15.49
From: Christian Perrier <bubulle@alioth.debian.org>
X-CRM114-Status: UNSURE (0.7100) This message is 'unsure'; please train it!
Changes for fr level 1
between 2006-11-24 05:05:04 +0100 and 2006-11-24 09:15:49 +0100
Removed files:
* debian-installer/packages/anna/debian/po/fr.po : 11t
* debian-installer/packages/apt-setup/debian/po/fr.po : 34t
* debian-installer/packages/arch/alpha/aboot-installer/debian/po/fr.po : 23t
----- End forwarded message -----
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