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Re: D-I translations, freeze day 5/8 02:44: 35/38/14/27/15

On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:30:14 +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:

> News:
> - Tamil and Hindi both reach 100% in level 1 for the first time
> - Dzongkha and Khmer reach full 100%
> - clouds accumulate over tasksel. Two newly added task could break
>   the big 100% we have for it. I officially objected to these.
> - 13 languages are 100% everywhere: cs da dz es fr gl ja km pt_BR ro sk sv vi
>   (Romanian and Vietnamese imcorrectly reported not being 100% in l3 because
>    of a mistake of mine which I've corrected)
> Overall ratio is 63% 
> For details about levels, please see
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/i18n-doc
> For details about the statistics, please see
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/l10n-stats

here's the output of 

svn cat
svn://anonymous@svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk/scripts/l10n/l1-errors >
l1-errors && sh l1-errors

 | Language | SV   | LS   |
 | be       | 10   | 1    |
 | bn       | 0    | 1    |
 | dz       | 0    | 1    |
 | fa       | 4    | 1    |
 | hi       | 2    | 0    |
 | hr       | 1    | 0    |
 | hu       | 1    | 0    |
 | is       | 0    | 1    |
 | ka       | 0    | 1    |
 | kk       | 1    | 2    |
 | ku       | 2    | 3    |
 | lv       | 1    | 0    |
 | ne       | 0    | 1    |
 | ta       | 7    | 6    |
 | vi       | 2    | 0    |
 | wo       | 0    | 1    |
 | TOTAL    | 31   | 19   |

SV - Suspect variable(s)
LS - Level specific error(s)
refer to http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/spellcheck/level1/index.html

this can be useful to see which languages have some errors which need to
be fixed. There are some false positives (not too many though)
I just spent some time fixing the obvious ones; hopefully RC1 will have
a very low number of errors.


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