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hello + UTF-8

Hello Everybody,

I heard about this list from Clytie on DW.  I translate for Ubuntu
using Rosetta for Sanskrit and Marathi but now I am taking small steps
towards Pootle.

I had posted this to the Debian-in-workers list 18 hours ago  but for
some reason my mail does not show-up on the archives.

The main problem I have is with the UTF-8 unicode character encoding not
rendering correctly.
Example :  The name विक्रम (Vikram) here has all the svara (vowels)
matras incorrectly on the adjacent consonant. I use Ubuntu4.10 and the
Character map to create this word, which renders well on that dialog
box. However when its pasted on a text file (or this email) the result
is a jumble as you can see.

Can someone explain where I am going wrong  and why UTF-8 does not
render properly in the text file.

Thanks for reading !
|| स्वक्ष || svaksha

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