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Pending debconf translations

In an attempt for motivating some of my fellow Debian package
maintainers so that they include the translation teams work in a
new upload of their package(s), please find below a report of a
packages using debconf and having an incomplete French translation.

(I have such stats only for French but I'm indeed interested by *all*
translation updates)

Please note that the vast majority of these packages indeed have a
pending translation in the BTS.

Of course, some of these have a very recent bug report and I bet that
the maintainer will soon upload an updated version....but I'm really
wondering about packages with an opened bug report older than, say 30

Please note that the release team never made problems for
hinting translation-only uploads to go in testing.

Packages with "itt", "rfr", "lcfc", "done", "fix" should be ignored.

Status of the packages to do in fr

|apple2            |     |    0/0/2      |podebconf(bts, 83 days)
|atlas             |96%  |    27/1/0     |podebconf(bts, 315 days)
|axyl              |73%  |    11/1/3     |podebconf(done, 6 days)
|axyl-lucene       |     |    0/0/6      |podebconf(fix, 1 days)
|bindgraph         |     |    0/0/10     |podebconf(bts, 94 days)
|blosxom           |     |    0/0/3      |podebconf(bts, 101 days)
|cdebootstrap      |     |    0/0/17     |podebconf(bts, 291 days)
|ckermit           |     |    0/0/9      |podebconf(bts, 133 days)
|conserver         |     |    0/0/18     |podebconf(bts, 254 days)
|devfsd            |80%  |    4/1/0      |podebconf(bts, 49 days)
|diablo            |     |    0/0/12     |podebconf(bts, 101 days)
|exult             |     |    0/0/9      |podebconf(bts, 95 days)
|firebird          |44%  |    4/1/4      |podebconf(bts, 147 days)
|freeswan          |94%  |    47/2/1     |podebconf(bts, 200 days)
|fwlogwatch        |     |    0/0/20     |podebconf(bts, 13 days)
|getmail           |50%  |    1/1/0      |podebconf(bts, 215 days)
|gforge            |99%  |    99/1/0     |podebconf(bts, 5 days)
|gwhois            |     |    0/0/7      |podebconf(bts, 258 days)
|ipvsadm           |     |    0/0/12     |podebconf(bts, 90 days)
|isoqlog           |     |    0/0/17     |podebconf(bts, 124 days)
|iterm             |     |    0/0/4      |podebconf(bts, 265 days)
|kdrill            |     |    0/0/2      |podebconf(bts, 219 days)
|keychain          |     |    0/0/3      |podebconf(bts, 136 days)
|lg-base           |     |    0/0/3      |podebconf(bts, 16 days)
|libpam-radius-aut |     |    0/0/4      |podebconf(bts, 95 days)
|lsh-utils         |     |    0/0/17     |podebconf(bts, 159 days)
|mantis            |45%  |   33/22/17    |podebconf(bts, 23 days)
|mediamate         |     |    0/0/22     |podebconf(bts, 211 days)
|mol               |     |    0/0/7      |podebconf(lcfc, 6 days)
|mrtg              |     |    0/0/5      |podebconf(bts, 228 days)
|nap               |     |    0/0/3      |podebconf(bts, 124 days)
|oops              |77%  |    7/2/0      |podebconf(bts, 164 days)
|opendb            |     |    0/0/19     |podebconf(bts, 60 days)
|openwebmail       |30%  |   31/40/32    |podebconf(bts, 60 days)
|partman-palo      |     |    0/0/5      |podebconf(hold, 90 days)
|poker3d           |     |    0/0/26     |podebconf(bts, 6 days)
|postfix           |95%  |    64/2/1     |podebconf(rfr, 21 days)
|schooltool        |     |    0/0/15     |podebconf(itt, 24 days)
|sdic              |     |    0/0/12     |podebconf(rfr, 2 days)
|snort             |88%  |    40/0/5     |podebconf(rfr, 3 days)
|spamprobe         |     |    0/0/6      |podebconf(bts, 211 days)
|spip              |84%  |    39/7/0     |podebconf(bts, 256 days)
|ssl-cert          |95%  |    19/0/1     |podebconf(bts, 111 days)
|teapop            |87%  |    14/2/0     |podebconf(bts, 97 days)
|vdr-plugin-remote |     |    0/0/4      |podebconf(bts, 18 days)
|viewcvs           |61%  |    11/4/3     |podebconf(bts, 224 days)
|wacom-tools       |     |    0/0/24     |podebconf(bts, 4 days)
|wwwoffle          |97%  |    48/1/0     |podebconf(bts, 87 days)
|xmail             |92%  |    12/1/0     |podebconf(done, 4 days)
|zope-cmfplone     |30%  |    6/0/14     |podebconf(bts, 189 days)
|zope2.7           |63%  |    7/2/2      |podebconf(bts, 35 days)
|TOTAL (fr)        |94%  | 8433/91/406   |

When there is some ---, that means that the material exists, but is not 
translated to this language and that some issue (in pot file or DB) prevent to find the amount of string.

Significance of the 'details' columns:
   [# translated strings]/[# fuzzy translation]/[# untranslated strings]


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