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Re: List of possible XkbModel entries per locale

On Wed Aug 18 at 00:25 (+0300), Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
> 'fi_FI@euro'  => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> 'sv_SE'       => { LAYOUT => 'se', XKBOPTIONS => '' },

For the record, AFAIK fi and se keyboards are the same though both
layouts are known in X.

Also, shouldn't there be fi_FI (without the @euro) in your list?
Keyboard config would be the same.

Finally, there are still some swedish speaking ppl in Finland so you
would need these too:
'sv_FI'       => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' }
'sv_FI@euro'  => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' }

Hope this helps,

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