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Re: Request for review, and eventually translations

This one time, at band camp, Christian Perrier said:
> > Template: clamav-freshclam/extra_groups
> > Type: string
> > _Description: Groups for clamav-daemon (space-seperated):
> >  Please enter any extra groups for clamd.
> >  .
> >  Clamd runs as a non-priviledged user by default.  If you need clamd to
> >  be able to access files owned by another user (e.g., in combination with
> >  an MTA), then you will need to add clamd to the group for that piece of 
> >  software.  Please list the extra groups here.
> Just remove the last "Please list...". It sounds useless to me


> > Template: clamav-freshclam/local_mirror
> > Type: select
> > _Choices: local, ar, au, ca, cn, cr, cz, de, dk, fr, hu, id, ie, jp,
> nl, pl, pt, se, sg, tr, ua, uk, us
> First of all, use "__Choices". See "man po-debconf" for details about
> this trick.

That makes sense, I missed that.  I am starting to think, though, that
maybe the Choices field should be untranslated, as they really should be
FQDN's (db.fr.clamav.net).  I think that may be the smarter way to
handle it, although then there is really a wrap problem.

> > Default: local
> Using "_DefaultChoice:" would be great here. Again see "man
> po-debconf" for details.


> > _Description: Local database mirror site:
> >  Please select the closest local mirror site.
> >  .
> >  Freshclam updates it's database from a world wide network of mirror 
> >  sites.  Please select the mirror closest to you.  If you leave it at
> >  the default setting, an attempt will be made to provide you with a
> >  nearby mirror, but this attempt may not always provide you with the 
> >  closest mirror site.
> Aha. Interesting problem here.
> Debian Installer has a somewhat similar problem for choose-mirror.

I'm not planning to take that task on for this - it's already handled by
upstream at the master DNS sites.  They have different 'views' for the
site db.local.clamav.net depending on connecting IP, and they have tried
to return a close site based on that.  They just ask that people try to
use a close on picking, e.g., db.fr.clamav.net.

Thanks again,
|   ,''`.					     Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :					 sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'			Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-					    http://www.debian.org |

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