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Re: List of possible XkbModel entries per locale

Sorry, I didn't get any feedback. I want to ensure that my kb layout
found her way inside the package?

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 14:43:01 +0430, Arash Bijanzadeh <arashbi@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I did respond to it but my locale is not listed here, it is:
> fa_IR.UTF-8 =>  LAYOUT => 'us,fa', XKBOPTIONS =>
> 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll', XKBMODEL => 'pc105'
> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 22:18:25 +0300, Konstantinos Margaritis
> <markos@debian.gr> wrote:
> > (Sorry for posting to all these lists, but not everybody is subscribed to i18n as Jonas suggested.
> > Your replies, though should only be directed to debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, you don't have to cc me).
> >
> > Ok, this is the current list with all the feedback I have had so far.
> >
> > 'bg_BG' => { LAYOUT => 'us,bg', XKBVARIANT => ',phonetic', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll' },
> > 'ca_ES@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'es', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'cs_CZ'        => { LAYOUT => 'cz_qwerty,us', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:shift_toggle' },
> > 'da_DK'        => { LAYOUT => 'dk', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'de_BE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'de', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'de_DE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'de', XKBOPTIONS => 'nodeadkeys', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'el_GR.UTF-8'  => { LAYOUT => 'us,el', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:alt_shift_toggle', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'en_AU'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'en_CA'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'en_IE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'ga_IE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'en_GB'        => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'gd_GB'        => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'gv_GB'        => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'kw_GB'        => { LAYOUT => 'gb', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'en_US'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'es_AR'        => { LAYOUT => 'es', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'es_ES@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'es', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'es_MX'        => { LAYOUT => 'la', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'es_PE'        => { LAYOUT => 'es_la', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'fi_FI'        => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'fi_FI@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'fr_BE'        => { LAYOUT => 'be', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'fr_BE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'be', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'fr_CA'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'fr_CH'        => { LAYOUT => 'fr_CH', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'fr_FR@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'fr', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'he_IL'        => { LAYOUT => 'us,il', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:alt_shift_toggle' },
> > 'it_IT@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'it', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'ja_JP.EUC-JP' => { LAYOUT => 'jp', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'jp106' },
> > 'ko_KR'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'lv_LV'        => { LAYOUT => 'lv', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'nb_NO'        => { LAYOUT => 'no', XKBOPTIONS => '' }, # Same as no_NO
> > 'nds_DE'       => { LAYOUT => 'de', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'nl_BE@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'be', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'nl_NL@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'nn_NO'        => { LAYOUT => 'no', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'no_NO'        => { LAYOUT => 'no', XKBOPTIONS => '' }, # Same as nb_NO
> > 'pt_BR'        => { LAYOUT => 'br', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc104', XKBVARIANT => 'abnt2' },
> > 'ru_RU'        => { LAYOUT => 'us,ru', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'se_NO'        => { LAYOUT => 'sapmi', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> > 'sk_SK         => { LAYOUT => 'sk_qwerty,us', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:shift_toggle' },
> > 'sl_SI'        => { LAYOUT => 'si,us', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:alt_shift_toggle', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'sv_SE'        => { LAYOUT => 'se', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'sv_FI'        => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' }
> > 'sv_FI@euro'   => { LAYOUT => 'fi', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' }
> > 'tr_TR'        => { LAYOUT => 'tr', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp_led:caps', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },
> > 'uk_UA'        => { LAYOUR => 'us,ua', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp_led:caps,grp:ctrl_shift_toggle', XKBMODEL => 'pc105'}
> >
> > Tomorrow I will upload a new version with these entries.
> > Also I will take these entries and merge them in the woody version of X 4.2 (for Skolelinux).
> > If there are any comments you would like to make on that, please do so by tomorrow.
> > Some obvious corrections I can do on my own, eg. a LAYOYT => "us, el" becomes "el"
> > because X 4.2 includes the latin keycodes in many keymaps by default.
> >
> > Also it's highly likely I will also add a script to configure gdm.
> >
> > Konstantinos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
> >
> >

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