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Re: List of possible XkbModel entries per locale

Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

'bg_BG' => { LAYOUT => 'us,bg', XKBVARIANT => ',phonetic', XKBOPTIONS => 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll' },

Please let XKBVARIANT => ',bds'. I talked with other bulgarians and this is the conclusion.

Also I will take these entries and merge them in the woody version of X 4.2 (for Skolelinux). If there are any comments you would like to make on that, please do so by tomorrow. Some obvious corrections I can do on my own, eg. a LAYOYT => "us, el" becomes "el" because X 4.2 includes the latin keycodes in many keymaps by default.

In XFree86 4.3, there are two Bulgarian layout files: /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/bg and /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/bg. The former includes us layout, and the latter doesn't include us layout. The latter is used by default, so 'us,bg' should be used.

I think that 4.2 uses the layout that includes us in bg. Will you check it when backporting to 4.2?


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