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Re: I18n in debian-installer


On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 02:59:37PM +0100, Martin Sjögren wrote:
> I want us to really decide on how i18n is going to work in d-i since
> it's something that may cause big design changes.
> There are several things that need translating:
> - Debconf templates. These are not a problem, we happily use po-debconf
> for this and everything is UTF-8 and great.

we have debconf templeates from debian-installer already in DDTP. Maybe
you will find some new translations there...

> There is support in main-menu for using Description-LL fields from the
> control files in order to do i18n but it is largely untested since we
> don't really have any translated control files yet. anna could do the
> same thing, for both questions. Is this a good way to do it?
> Does this mean putting UTF-8 stuff in the control files? Can we
> integrate it with po-debconf?
> How do we make it easy for translators? All things in a package that can
> be translated should be collected in one place, making it as easy as
> possible for translators. Can we use DDTP, grisu? How do we build our

1.) ist you like to ask grisu, use cc: all the time...

2.) yes, we can use DDTP. 

    If you ask about the descriptions in
    'dists/sid/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages', this
    descriptions already in the pdesc part of the DDTP. Some of this
    descriptions are already translated. Look at
    http://ddtp.debian.org/cgi-bin/ddtp.cgi?part=pdesc&package=anna for
    a example. 

    The debian-installer packages have a high pritority in the DDTP. 

> packages so they will automatically get the latest translations of
> everything?

If you need some 'files with translated text from the DDTP in some extra
format', ask for it! 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
XP ist NT mit "Extra Problems".  --- Felix von Leitner in dasr

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