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Re: Bug#215647: [patch] xterm 4.3.0-0pre1v3 i18n

On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 07:28:17PM +0900, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> I think this way may be useful for some people, if the aliases are
> set automatically according to the current LC_CTYPE locale.
> (There are already a standardized way (LC_CTYPE) to "choose a codeset"
> and we should not introduce different configuration ways for users
> to achieve the same thing.)  However, since this is not useful for
> multibyte people nor UTF-8, we will need additional works anyway.
> Especially, UTF-8 will be more and more important in future.
> Thus, this idea does not reduce the amount of needed work.

People using UTF-8 locales should use uxterm.

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Debian GNU/Linux                   |     system, the higher the probability
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