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Bug#80458: Add fonts.dir for Chinese fonts (abiword 0.7.12)

[Forwarded to debian-i18n, esp. for Japanese and Korean developers.
 Please see http://bugs.debian.org/80458 for more details.]

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 12:49:11PM -0800, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> The Chinese bug caught my eye, but I did not have time to look at it
> in detail. Patches would speed up the inclusion of those fonts.dir
> files ;-) else I'll probably get to it this week.

I was digging through the fonts.dir that the CLE (Chinese GNU/Linux
Extension Project) use, and found a slightly different version.
I have made some slight modification (to capitalize the font names so they
look better.  :-)  I have attached it here as an .tar.bz2 archive.
I prefer CLE's fonts.dir over the ones that ha shao suggested, although I am
pretty sure that we may need to tweak those CLE fonts.dir even further, when
the details of Ghostscript-CJK and fonts are finalized.

To Debian JP and Debian-KR developers, since AbiWord supports CJK starting
with 0.7.12, you may be interested in getting this to work with Japanese and
Korean too.  AFAIK, you will need to add these files:



and then AbiWord would fully support Japanese and Korean too.  (I hope. :-)
Yes, after adding the Chinese fonts.dir, AbiWord-0.7.13 in Debian is a full
Chinese word processor!  I was really impressed!

Aaron, I am too lazy to download and unpack the AbiWord source to provide a
diff, but perhaps you could do something like this?  :-)

	cd abiword-0.7.13/debian
	tar xvjf AbiWord_zh-fonts-dir.tar.bz2
	mv zh-CN/fonts.dir fonts.dir.zh-CN
	mv zh-TW/fonts.dir fonts.dir.zh-TW

so you end up with debian/fonts.dir.zh-CN and debian/fonts.dir.zh-TW.
Now, edit debian/rules, and in the "install:" target, add:

	for i in zh-CN zh-TW; do \
	    install -m 755 -d debian/tmp/usr/share/abisuite/fonts/$$i; \
	    install -m 755 debian/fonts.dir.$$i debian/tmp/usr/share/abisuite/fonts/$$i/fonts.dir; \

Something like that?  I haven't tested it yet.  :-)
And of course, in the future, "ja" and "ko" and perhaps other locales could
be added too.

Oh, BTW, just a sidenote: You may want to remove the "-s" option from this

	install -s -m 755 $(TMP_DIR)/bin/AbiWord_d debian/tmp/usr/bin/

because dh_strip will eventually strip all the binaries.  :-)
(And dh_strip runs with some extra option that might strip the binary
better?  Not sure.)



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project -- http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

Attachment: AbiWord_zh-fonts-dir.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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