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Re: splitting manpages-nl (and perhaps other manpages translations)

Jama Poulsen <jama@debianlinux.net>:

> An idea could be to have a Debian package extension which would take into 
> account which language(s), besides the standard English would be recommended
> to get translated documents for, as indicated by the system administrator.

Just a nit: it might be better to avoid assuming that English is
"standard" or even that English is always available. I've seen some
free software where most of the documentation (and comments in the
code) is in Japanese, and in the future it may become increasingly
acceptable to produce software in languages other than English.

One day someone might want to make a Debian-based distribution
specifically for the Chinese market, say, in which case it might not
be helpful to find that Debian's package tools have English hardwired
into them ...


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