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Re: consistent kbd config TODO list

On Oct 13, Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@noah.dfis.ull.es> wrote:

 >  Status: New keymaps using m4 macros being implemented. The macros are 
I haven't worked on the macros in the last months, my fault. I will try
to polish them in the next weeks (I hope!).
 >  already done. (Where can I find that implementation or the specification? 
I will send you some files, but there isn't yet any documentation.

 >  I would like to test it for my spanish keyboard). The kbdconfig script 
 >  should be modified to help the user setting up his keymap the new way.
We probably need a brand new configuration program, there are some hints
in my draft.

 >  Status: IIRC, no changes were needed. Can someone confirm/deny that?
I don't know if we have to change something, but I know that if we will,
debian xterms and console will not compatible with other OS.

 >  Latin1 charset (haven't tried it for others) but doesn't work with
 >  XKB extension. 
We can't dump xkb, it's much more powerful than the old system.


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