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Re: creating Hurd chroots on Linux using DPKG_ROOT chrootless mode


Quoting Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues (2023-11-18 11:04:06)
> I submitted bug #1056176 to insserv for review already.

now there is also #1056213 against sysvinit.

> But even with those patches there is another blocker. The hurd package throws
> the following error in its preinst maintainer script:

This is fixed in git already.

> The second problem is, that foreign architecture chrootless mode is currently
> blocked on a dpkg bug which prevents installation of Architecture:all
> packages that depend on Architecture:any packages.

Guillem also now fixed this in git and I already verified that the patch works:

The last patch I have is against init-system-helpers but I'm waiting with that
one until #1056176 for insserv has been applied because it uses the same
insserv options and I want to make sure with the insserv maintainers that those
options are indeed all as they should be set.

So we might just be very close to creating unprivileged, bit-by-bit
reproducible Hurd chroots from Linux. Though since Hurd binaries cannot run on
Linux, this is of course of limited usefulness. But mmdebstrap can also create
ext4 disk images so I was wondering whether it might be possible to teach debvm
how to boot gnumach.

So I downloaded
and extracted /boot/gnumach-1.8-486.gz from it. I tried the following but it
seems to get stuck and only prints "Booting from ROM...":

    qemu-system-i386 \
        -m 1G \
        -kernel gnumach-1.8-486.gz \
        -append root=device:hd0s2 \
        -drive file=debian-hurd-20210812.img,format=raw

What am I missing so that I can boot Hurd using qemu without grub?


cheers, josch

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