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Re: (hurd) Installable desktop environments

El 15/6/23 a les 12:10, Samuel Thibault ha escrit:
Narcis Garcia, le jeu. 15 juin 2023 11:22:26 +0200, a ecrit:
I'm using debian-hurd-2023-i386-NETINST-1 to try an installation in a
virtual machine.
At tasksel stage of Debian Installer, it offers all Debian DE:

[ ] Debian desktop environment (¿?)
[ ] Xfce
[ ] GNOME Flashback
[ ] KDE Plasma
[ ] Cinnamon
[ ] MATE
[ ] LXDE
[ ] LXQt

Are all those installable and work?

IIRC only XFCE is really completely installable. I don't know if it


I tried an installation with debian-hurd-2023-i386-NETINST-1.iso into a KVM virtual machine with an image file as hard disk.

After tasksel stage (Xfce selected), and a veery loong time to retrieve files, Debian Installer says:
"Installation step failed
An installation step failed. You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else. The failing step is: Select and install software"

I can't switch to different tty to analyze log files because I can't send [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F4] neither with Gtk VM interface nor a vncviewer.


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

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