Bid Writing, Volunteering & Fundraising Workshops plus Trusts Database
Workshops are held online via Zoom 10.00 to 12.30 Each workshop costs £95.00
Our website contains booking links for all workshops.
Google nfp workshops to visit our website and book your place.
Thursday 10 February 2022 - Thursday 24 February 2022 - Monday 7 March 2022
Monday 21 March 2022 - Monday 4 April 2022 - Monday 25 April 2022
Do you know the most common reasons for rejection? Are you gathering the right evidence? Are you making
the right arguments? Are you using the right terminology? Are your numbers right? Are you learning from
rejections? Are you assembling the right documents? Do you know how to create a clear and concise standard
funding bid? Are you communicating with people or just excluding them? Do you know your own
organisation well enough? Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough? Do you know enough
about your competitors? Are you answering the questions funders will ask themselves about your
application? Are you submitting applications correctly?
Tuesday 22 February 2022 - Tuesday 22 March 2022 - Tuesday 26 April 2022
Are you applying to the right trusts? Are you applying to enough trusts? Are you asking for the right amount
of money? Are you applying in the right ways? Are your projects the most fundable projects? Are you carrying
out trust fundraising in a professional way? Are you delegating enough work? Are you highly productive or
just very busy? Are you looking for trusts in all the right places? How do you compare with your competitors
for funding? Is the rest of your fundraising hampering your bids to trusts? Do you understand what trusts are
ideally looking for?
Our online database has details of more than 34,000 trusts, foundations and charities that make grants to
organisations. The site allows users to quickly find a wide range of new potential funders including regional,
lower profile and newer trusts plus charities that make grants to organisations as well as running activities
themselves. A 1 year subscription to the database costs £95.00 per user.
Google nfp workshops to visit our website, find more details and subscribe.
Friday 25 February 2022 - Tuesday 8 March 2022 - Tuesday 5 April 2022
Where do you find volunteers? How do you find the right volunteers? How do you attract volunteers? How do
you run volunteer recruitment events? How do you interview volunteers? How do you train volunteers? How
do you motivate volunteers? How do you involve volunteers? How do you recognise volunteers? How do you
recognise problems with volunteers? How do you learn from volunteer problems? How do you retain
volunteers? How do you manage volunteers? What about volunteers and your own staff? What about
younger, older and employee volunteers?
Wednesday 9 February 2022 - Wednesday 6 April 2022
Major Donor Characteristics, Motivations and Requirements. Researching and Screening Major Donors.
Encouraging, Involving and Retaining Major Donors. Building Relationships with Major Donors. Major Donor
Events and Activities. Setting Up Major Donor Clubs. Asking For Major Gifts. Looking After and Reporting Back
to Major Donors. Delivering on Major Donor Expectations. Showing Your Appreciation to Major Donors.
Fundraising Budgets and Committees.
Wednesday 23 February 2022 - Wednesday 27 April 2022
Who are these companies? Why do they get involved? What do they like? What can you get from them? What
can you offer them? What are the differences between donations, sponsorship, advertising and cause related
marketing? Are companies just like trusts? How do you find these companies? How do you research them?
How do you contact them? How do you pitch to them? How do you negotiate with them? When should you
say no? How do you draft contracts? How do you manage the relationships? What could go wrong? What are
the tax issues? What are the other considerations?
Wednesday 9 March 2022
An introduction to the basic principles of finance in charities and voluntary organisations. Charitable Funds -
Financial Management - Income Sources - Bookkeeping - Control Systems - Auditing - Formal Accounts -
Management Accounting - Budgeting - Trading Income - Taxation This workshop is for staff members,
volunteers, trustees or board members of charities and voluntary organisations who are not professionals in
finance but wish to understand more about the subject. People who provide advice to these organisations
are also welcome.
Wednesday 23 March 2022
Why do people make legacy gifts? What are the ethical issues? What are the regulations? What are the tax
issues? What are the statistics? What are the trends? How can we integrate legacy fundraising into our other
fundraising? What are the sources for research? How should we set a budget? How should we evaluate our
results? How should we forecast likely income? Should we use consultants? How should we build a case for
support? What media and marketing channels should we use? What about in memory giving? How should we
setup our admin systems? What are the common problems & pitfalls?
Friday 11 March 2022
The workshop is for people who wish to move into fundraising, have just started in fundraising or have
responsibilities for fundraisers. We examine each of the different areas of fundraising - public donors, major
donors, legacies, trusts and corporates. We explain how the different areas fit together and support each
other to create a balanced fundraising effort. We look at how much investment each area of fundraising
requires, what returns to expect and how long it is likely to take to achieve those returns. We examine what
the rest of your organisation could be doing to help make your fundraising more successful.
Friday 25 March 2022
The workshop looks at who the regulatory bodies for fundraising are and what they regulate. We examine
GDPR, PECR and the other regulations governing fundraising activities. We describe each of the most
important procedures to follow. Past enforcement actions and the penalties issued to organisations that
broke the rules are described. We explain how to prepare a check list of points you need to ensure that your
organisation follows. We look at how best to explain the regulations throughout your organisation and
ensure that they are followed by staff, trustees, volunteers and supporters.
Friday 8 April 2022
The workshop is for people who wish to manage projects, have just started managing projects or have
responsibilities for managing projects. Topics covered include: Terminology - Project Management Tools -
Managing Project Data - Ordering Tasks - Grouping Tasks - Analysing Task Times - Financial Responsibilities -
Budget Allocations - Risk Management - Monitoring Activities - Reporting Procedures - Communication Plans -
Cash Flow Forecasts - Project Evaluations - Concluding Projects - Knowledge Transfer
Friday 29 April 2022
The workshop is for people who wish to manage staff, have just started managing staff or have
responsibilities for managing staff. Topics covered include: Leadership Challenges - Structures – Mentoring -
Measuring Performance - Leading Change - Managing Performance - Organisational Cultures - Succession
Planning - Effective Meetings - Developing People - Managing Teams - Empowering People - Delegating Work
- Encouraging Learning - Developing Individuals - Performance Reviews
NFP Workshops 18 Blake Street, York YO1 8QG 01133 280988
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