Re: Bigger disk for preinstalled image?
Philipp Klaus Krause, le ven. 10 janv. 2020 09:31:12 +0100, a ecrit:
> Is there an easy way to increase the size of the disk for the
> preinstalled image?
I have updated the README files accordingly:
$ qemu-img resize debian-hurd*.img +5G
$ parted debian-hurd*.img
(parted) resizepart 2 100%
(parted) quit
$ sudo losetup -o $((512*1953792)) /dev/loop0 debian-hurd*.img
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/loop0
$ sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
(1953792 is the start sector shown in fdisk -l debian-hurd*.img)
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