Re: How can I contribute ?
Neel chakraborty, le sam. 28 déc. 2019 23:52:11 +0530, a ecrit:
> Hello , I am new to the GNU/Hurd kernel . I am looking for any way I can be of
> help to the development of this project .
> My skill set is that I am very comfortable to the traditional Linux command
> line environment , I can build and work with custom kernels , and I know fairly
> a little bit of C .
> I aim to further develop my skill set by working on this project .
> If I lack any certain skill set before I can start contributing , please let me
> know .
> Or if I should write or do any projects as a proof of my skill set , please let
> me know that too .
You can have a look at the GNU/Hurd contributing page
or the Debian GNU/Hurd development page
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