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Re: [Cupt-devel] Bug#882238: cupt: FTBFS on hppa and hurd-i386: feeding-input.t fails

Hi Aaron, Hurd and HPPA porters,

Thank you for the report. Sorry that it took so long to get it to it.

On hurd-i386, I tracked it down to a misbehaviour of timeout(1), reported as #894379.
For HPPA, I didn't see any available porterboxes for HPPA on db.debian.org, so I could not
reproduced it. Did I miss any?

Otherwise, if you know simple-to-use substitutes for timeout(1) or know what's going on in
#894379, your input is welcome.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer

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