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Re: Investigation of the failing build of gnat-4.9 using fakeroot-hurd

Hello :)

Quoting Svante Signell (2015-02-02 12:26:06)
> Confusing thing is: Printouts in
> libnetfs/dir-lookup.c:netfs_S_dir_lookup() are not triggered, but
> libdiskfs/dir-lookup.c:diskfs_S_dir_lookup are.
> libnetfs is built into fakeroot itself, but not libdiskfs, which is
> built into ext2fs.static. libdiskfs functions does not seem to be faked.

That's not so surprising.  fakeroot does not fake all functions, any
message it does not understand is passed through as-is.  Also, in the
case of dir_lookup, fakeroot does some of the dir_lookup-related stuff
(like retries) on behalf of the client.  That could explain why you
see messages from libdiskfs and not from libnetfs.  I don't see why
that could cause problems though.

In your particular case, did you check whether the error is right,
i.e. it tried to do something to the file on the ext2fs that the user
is not allowed to do ?


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