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Re: please remove kfreebsd-any from Architecture

On 28/05/14 20:12, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
>>> gnome 	2014-05-21 	1:3.8+6 	unsatisfied dependency on gdm3 (>= 3.4)
>>> gnome-core 	2014-05-21 	1:3.8+6 	unsatisfied dependency on gdm3 (>= 3.4)
>>> xfswitch-plugin 	2014-05-21 	0.0.1-4 	unsatisfied dependency on gdm3
> The arch:all metapackages don't need any changes.

xfswitch-plugin is now linux-any and just needs ftpmaster removal

> gdm3 and gnome-shell wait for each other and for the above binary
> packages to be adjusted, before they can migrate to testing:
>> trying to update gnome-shell from 3.8.4-8 to 3.8.4-8.1 (candidate is 16 days old)
>> Updating gnome-shell makes 4 non-depending packages uninstallable on kfreebsd-amd64: gdm3, gnome, gnome-core, xfswitch-plugin 
>> trying to update gdm3 from 3.8.4-6 to 3.8.4-9 (candidate is 7 days old)
>> Updating gdm3 makes 5 non-depending packages uninstallable on kfreebsd-amd64: gnome, gnome-core, gnome-shell, gnome-shell-dbg, xfswitch-plugin 

I think the attached diff to meta-gnome3 is all that's needed.

(One could try to argue that the 'core' bits of GNOME are still there
and to reduce gnome-shell and gdm3 dependencies to a [linux-any].  But I
think GNOME maintainers would insist that those are vital components of
gnome-core.  No matter - many GNOME bits can be found already in XFCE
and MATE metapackages.)

Steven Chamberlain
--- meta-gnome3-3.8+6/debian/control.orig	2014-04-26 10:22:34.000000000 +0100
+++ meta-gnome3-3.8+6/debian/control	2014-05-28 20:40:25.825720477 +0100
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/meta-gnome3/
 Package: gnome-core
-Architecture: any
+Architecture: linux-any
 Depends: libatk-adaptor (>= 2.4),
          at-spi2-core (>= 2.4),
          baobab (>= 3.4),
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
  It contains the official â??coreâ?? modules of the GNOME desktop.
 Package: gnome
-Architecture: any
+Architecture: linux-any
 Depends: gnome-core (= ${binary:Version}),
          network-manager-gnome (>= 0.9.4) [linux-any],

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