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Weekly report (9th week) - Debian GNU/Hurd Debianish initialization

.. link: 
.. description: 
.. tags: gsoc, debian, hurd
.. date: 2013/08/16 17:07:22
.. title: All the important bits are there - please test and review :)
.. slug: all-the-important-bits-are-there-please-test-and-review

Finally, more bootlog-pr0n::

  start ext2fs: Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs[device:hd0s1] exec init proc auth
  INIT: version 2.88 booting
  Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel S.
  Activating swap...done.
  Checking root file system...fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
  /dev/hd0s1: clean, 44680/181056 files, 292234/723200 blocks
  Activating lvm and md swap...(default pager): Already paging to partition hd0s5!
  Checking file systems...fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  hd2 : tray open or drive not ready
  end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
  Cleaning up temporary files... /tmp.
  Mounting local filesystems...done.
  Activating swapfile swap...(default pager): Already paging to partition hd0s5!
  df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
  Cleaning up temporary files....
  Configuring network interfaces...inetutils-ifconfig: invalid arguments
  ifup: failed to open pid file /run/network/ifup-/dev/eth0.pid: No such file or directory
  Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.2
  Copyright 2004-2011 Internet Systems Consortium.
  All rights reserved.
  For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
  can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient./dev/eth0.leases: No such file or directory
  Listening on Socket//dev/eth0
  Sending on   Socket//dev/eth0
  DHCPDISCOVER on /dev/eth0 to port 67 interval 8
  DHCPREQUEST on /dev/eth0 to port 67
  DHCPACK from
  can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient./dev/eth0.leases: No such file or directory
  bound to -- renewal in 34744 seconds.
  Cleaning up temporary files....
  Setting up X socket directories... /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.ICE-unix.
  INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
  Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 2.
  Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
  Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.
  Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
  Starting system message bus: dbusFailed to set socket option"/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket": Protocol not available.
  Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
  unexpected ACK from keyboard
  GNU 0.3 (debian) (console)
  login: root
  root@debian:~# shutdown -h now
  Broadcast message from root@debian (console) (Fri Aug 16 20:02:47 2013):
  The system is going down for system halt NOW!
  INIT: Switching to runlevel: 0root@debian:~# 
  INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
  INIT: Sending processes the KILL signal
  Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 0.
  Stopping deferred execution scheduler: atd.
  task c10f72a8 deallocating an invalid port 2098928, most probably a bug.
  Asking all remaining processes to terminate...done.
  All processes ended within 1 seconds...done.
  Stopping enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
  Deconfiguring network interfaces...ifdown: failed to open pid file /run/network/ifdown-/dev/eth0.pid: No such file or directory
  Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.2
  Copyright 2004-2011 Internet Systems Consortium.
  All rights reserved.
  For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
  can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient./dev/eth0.leases: No such file or directory
  Listening on Socket//dev/eth0
  Sending on   Socket//dev/eth0
  /bin/sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
  Deactivating swap...swapoff: /dev/hd0s5: 177152k swap space
  Unmounting weak filesystems...umount: /etc/mtab: Warning: duplicate entry for device /dev/hd0s1 (/dev/cons)
  umount: could not find entry for: /dev/cons
  Unmounting local filesystems...done.
  mount: cannot remount /: Device or resource busy
  Will now halt.
  init: notifying pfinet of shutdown...init: notifying tmpfs swap of shutdown...init: notifying tmpfs swap of shutdown...init: notifying tmpfs swap of shutdown...init: notifying ext2fs device:hd0s1 of shutdown...init: halting Mach (flags 0x8)...
  In tight loop: hit ctl-alt-del to reboot

(You might note that df complains about not being able to read the
mtab file. That is because it has been built with `_PATH_MOUNTED`
being `/var/run/mtab`. This will correct itself when the `coreutils`
package is being rebuilt against a patched libc.)

I spent my last two weeks with polishing my patch series, that meant a
lot of package rebuilds and that means a lot of waiting (even more so
on the Hurd, short version: fakeroot-hurd could be fast but is not yet
working properly, fakeroot-tcp `is slow
and thus some frustration ;)

Also I had to pay special attention so that the upgraded packages
could be installed without accidentally breaking anything in the
process. Making sysvinit pid 1 is surprisingly tricky in this regard
since it breaks the ABI and requires a libc fix that also worked with
the current Hurd servers.

Here are the patches:

* The mtab translator (v4) provides `/proc/mounts`:

* When I wrote `umount` I thought I implemented all the flags used by
  the `initscripts` package. Turns out I forgot `-d`. umount.patch

* Make sysvinit pid 1 (sysvinit kinda requires that), fix killall5
  (that was freezing the system before) (v2):

* Making sysvinit pid 1 breaks the ABI, since the glibc assumes
  `/hurd/init` to have pid 1:

* So now killall5 is not freezing the system anymore (actually it
  froze all processes but most importantly the procfs translator
  providing `/proc` and it then tried to walk over `/proc` which
  obviously blocked killall5 itself). Cool. But then it looks into
  `/proc/*/stat` for the fields `start_code` and `end_code`. So I dug
  into the exec server where the ELF decoding happens and handed this
  to the proc server, but the procfs translator has to make use of

* Patch series for the sysvinit package (v2). This contains a
  `runsystem.sysv` that can be enabled using
  `update-alternatives --config runsystem` and several small fixes:

So I had some spare time on my hand while waiting for numerous package
rebuilds and I took this as an opportunity to read papers about Mach
and to familiarize myself with mig, the *Mach Interface
Generator*. While I have used it in the past, I had not yet looked at
its implementation. And I had to patch the exec server, and there was
both code implementing a questionable feature (on-demand unzipping of
binaries) and code that was not even compiled (courtesy of the
preprocessor) and had probably bit-rot by now. So I figured I could
spend my time doing some cleanups:

* Cleanups for the exec server:

* Cleanups for mig:

I have rebuild all the necessary packages and uploaded them into an
apt repository::

  deb http://teythoon.cryptobitch.de/gsoc/heap/debian unstable main

Please use unstable for now. Also make sure that you have a recovery
plan for your Debian/Hurd installation if anything goes wrong. For
your convenience there's a seed tarball containing packages with the
appropriate sources.list.d snippets and the repository key:


If you want to switch to the new `runsystem.sysv`, do::

  # update-alternatives --config runsystem

Whenever you switch runsystems, please use `reboot-hurd` to reboot the
system. This is the most robust way.

Known issues:

* procfs hardcodes the default kernel pid to 2. This breaks
  `/proc/uptime` and any program relying on it, most notably top and
  friends. Until this is properly fixed, you can do::

    # settrans -apfg /proc /hurd/procfs -c -k 3

* The mtab translator should probably try to filter out non-filesystem
  translators. `df` complains loudly about `/dev/cons` for example.

Next week I will address the `network related issues
</gsoc/#networkrelatedissues>`_. By now they are the source of most of
the error messages in the bootlog.

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