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K16 images - uploading

Hi folks.

The K16 images are being uploaded to debian-ports.org

The mini-iso and tarball have already been uploaded.

There are four CDs and two DVDs to come.  I plan to upload the first CD 
then the first DVD followed by the rest.  The whole process is going to 
take several days.  The upload is running at 90kB/sec.

The problem with the DVDs is the slow access to the optical drive by the 
Hurd.  A rough test indicated that Linux is about ten times faster.  The 
Packages files had to be placed at the start of the disc and read 
failures were found when accessing packages deep inside the DVD, so the 
DVD size has been limited to 3gB.  If people still have read problems 
would they contact me.  Or better still, could some one fix the speed 

This was the toughest set I have had to produce.  It has taken me about 
150 hours to get to this point.  The job is far too big for one person.

The two DVDs I am uploading have all the <arch: hurd> packages.  The four 
CDs have most of these.

In total there are four DVDs and 17 CDs.

If people want statistics I will get onto them in a few days.



  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 027 663 4453
   philipc@copyleft.co.nz - personal.    info@copyleft.co.nz - business

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