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Re: Network setup.

# cat /dev/klog to get a dmesg like log.

Ah, cool.

# > That is, ifconfig shows no
# > interfaces other than lo.  If mach does not detect my card during
# > boot, must I rebuild the kernel -- or is there a way to dynamically
# > load a driver module?
# afaik you have to set up your /hurd/pfinet server in order to get your
# network devices (ethx) .. look here:
#  http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-doc-server#pfinet
# and here:
#  http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install
#  (see Configuration-> The Network)

I'm under the impression that the translator setup can only occur
after the kernel detects the interface; that is, I tried running
settrans according to the documentation, but I get a "no such
interface" error.  That, along with some other things I have read,
leads me to believe that it's a kernel/driver issue; once the device
is detected, I can then attach a translator to it to use it.  Is my
understanding of this correct?


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