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Re: hurd does NOT need /hurd

 >On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 07:16:08PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 >You are looking at completely the wrong properties.  The issue is not
at all
 >if a file is a binary, a text file, a picture or a marshmallow from outer
 >space.  Here are a few hints that should bring you on the right track:
 >/bin:  Executables that should be in the user's (including the
superuser's) PATH.
 >/sbin: Executables that should be in the superuser's PATH, but not in the
 >       PATH of other user's.
 >/libexec: executables that should not be in any user's path and that are
 >          started indirectly by other programs for their own purpose.
>/hurd: executables that can do something useful with the bootstrap port to > attach themself as Hurd servers to the file system, that should not
 >       be in any user's PATH, and are started indirectly by settrans or
 >       the parent filesystem on the explicit request of the user.

I see you fighting but you never send new proposals, so I have a New
Idea (tm). First of all I will explain some things ; as said before :
     /lib    : contains libraries that are dynamically loaded by
	programs linked against them.
     /bin    : programs that can be run from the command line.
     /lib/modules : some sort of special library that has a 'modular'
Since translators *really* are binaries that are /runnable/ from the
command line, they should be in /bin BUT it has been explained that
it doesn't fit because it is in user's $PATH. Therefore, as
translators have some modularity concept (hurd is ALL modular AFAIK)
why not putting them in /bin/modules ? (+ /hurd -> /bin/modules
for user convenience...). This is right because exec*p() doesn't
recurse subdirectories.


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