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Re: ssh, /dev/urandom

Niels a écrit : 

 > The argument is really simple. Programs that use /dev/urandom
 > generally expect to get numbers that are not only uniform, but numbers
 > which are actually *useful* for *cryptographic* purposes. Creating a
 > /dev/urandom that does something different is breaking that informal
 > interface.

I don't agree at all on that. You are speaking of /dev/random, not of

man urandom on my GNU/Linux system:

       When  read,  /dev/urandom  device  will  return  as  many  bytes as are
       requested.  As a result, if there is  not  sufficient  entropy  in  the
       entropy  pool,  the  returned  values are theoretically vulnerable to a
       cryptographic attack on the algorithms used by the  driver.   Knowledge
       of how to do this is not available in the current non-classified liter-
       ature, but it is theoretically possible that such an attack may  exist.
       If this is a concern in your application, use /dev/random instead.

So, it is explicity written that /dev/urandom is _not_
cryptographically safe random data, and is cheap random data if the
entropy pool is depleted.  Using Marcus' random translator for
/dev/_u_random, will be, for applications, just as if the entropy were
depleted by another application just before; which can happen on any
GNU/Linux system, or whatever. We are just always in the "bad case",
but application using /dev/urandom are aware this "bad case" can happen,
and sometimes do. There is nothing wrong in that.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug@nerim.net - http://kilobug.free.fr
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