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The Motley Gnus

I like Doug's work. I don't like the new greenish one as much as I like the 
royal blue one, though. The problem with the new one is that the entire 
picture has been lightened in an attempt to lighten the lettering. Blue has 
gone to green. I don't know how you did it, Doug, but, if you haven't 
arlready, I'd suggest developing the picture in layers with the words on a 
separate layer. That way you can apply effects to the words independently.

I realize I'm treading on thin ice here, but my $0.02 would be to split the 
hurd, place the words in the middle and let the rising sun be the artistic 
source of the illumination. Since the sun is behind the letters, you could 
get away with simply "crisping" the letters around the edges with light. Keep 
the blues. The blues rock.

I think I'm going to throw my hat into this ring. My tendency is to go with 
something humorous. I like the basic pencil Gnu the FSF uses. My vision is of 
"The Motley Gnus." In pencil on white, a ragtag group of Gnus crowded 
together, all standing on two legs, some short, some tall, some fat, some 
skinny--caricatures--sloppy, prim, smart, dumb, weird, crazy.

The Hurd


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