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Re: Victory! GNU Pth built / tested on Hurd!


Well, I ran all of the test apps and they appear to work.

For my own test I compiled the web browser "Dillo"
which relies on pthreads extensively. Amazingly it
compiles and loads, but it appears to malfunction.
It gave an error about no "shmem" and loaded, but
would not follow any url's and could not open local
files. Likely a problem with some other aspect of

I have no idea if the sjlj/sjljlx/none is in fact correct,
other than it compiles and seems to work. It could be
gobbling up or corrupting memory, but I have had no
indication of such yet.

Perhaps someone more expert in these things than
myself would care to look into this?

Anyways, my patch is on my GeoCities page at:


from /src with pth in /src/pth-1.4.1/ do:
$ gzip -d pth-1.4.1-1.diff.gz
$ patch -p0 < pth-1.4.1-1.diff

It should modify: configure, configure.in, and aclocal.m4

- Doug

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